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AiG, Answers in Genesis, is also a wonderful organization. They have great resources for kids and teens, too. Click here for the seminar Bodie Hodge gave at Calvary Chapel El Paso.

AiG has come out with 6 new short animations that should make you think and want to learn more about these subjects:

Radiometric Dating 3:18    Fossils and the Flood 3:22    The Origin of Races 3:38

Pain and suffering 2:16     The nature of Science 3:55    Evolution Refuted 2:36

ICR, Institute for Creation Research, is the greatest website where real scientists use real science and produce articles that are understandable even for the layman. They have articles about fossils, Geology, Microbiology (DNA), Anthropology (check out the “In His Image” articles!), about the “Big Bang” and how light might have traveled in the beginning, and so much more!! Subscribe to their “Acts & Facts”, it is free!

Dave Hunt and The Berean Call is an impeccable source to scrutinize any new movement or any new Christian Best Sellers and I trust them with their verdict (i.e. Heaven is for Real). I have been receiving their monthly News Letter for many years now and put it out at church once I’m done reading it.

One Place is a depository for many of my favorite ministries (from A through Z) who have audio broadcasts that can be downloaded and or listened to.  

ISSUES IN EDUCATION has weekly half hour messages. From the very first time I listened to them, I was taken aback by the information they presented. Ever since I hate to miss a message. But that is no problem since they do have an audio archive.

KELP is a great Christian Radio Station that uses over 95% of their air time for solid Christian teachings from great Bible Teachers like Chuck Smith, Chuck Swindoll, David Jeremiah and many more. Here is a link to listen to them over the Internet.

Below is their broadcast schedule:


AM    Broadcast Title                                    Speaker

12:00 Moody Broadcasting Network Overnight               Various

6:00 Revive Our Hearts                                  Nancy Lee Demoss

6:27 Take it to Heart                                   Christine Ditchfield

6:30 Somebody Loves You                                 Raul Ries

7:00 Renewing Your Mind                                 Dr. R. C. Sproul

7:30 The Word for Today                                 Pastor Chuck Smith

8:00 Thru The Bible Radio                               Dr. J. Vernon McGee

8:30 Grace to You                                       Dr. John MacArthur

9:00 Just Thinking                                      Dr. Ravi Zacharias

9:15 Discover the Word                                  Hayden Robinson & Guests

9:30 In Touch                                           Dr. Charles Stanley

10:00 Insight for Living                                 Dr. Chuck Swindoll

10:30 Focus On The Family                                Jim Daly

11:00 Family Talk                                        Dr. James Dobson & Ryan Dobson

11:30 ACLJ Live                                          Jay Sekulow

PM    Broadcast Title                                    Speaker

12:00 On the Level Pastor Pancho Juarez

12:30 Back to the Bible                                  Dr. Woodrow Kroll / Tammy Wiesert

1:00 Just Thinking                                      Dr. Ravi Zacharias

1:15 Diamonds in the Dust                               Joni Erickson Tada

1:17 In Depth                                           Pastor Eric Paul

1:30 Crown Financial's Money Life                       Chuck Bentley & Sharon Epps

1:55 Breakpoint Daily                                   Chuck Colson

2:00 Love Worth Finding                                 Dr. Adrian Rogers

2:26 Homeschool Heartbeat                               Mike Smith

2:30 People to People                                   Pastor Bob George

3:00 Turning Point                                      Dr. David Jeremiah

3:30 Chapter & Verse                                    Pastor Mike MacIntosh

4:03 The Job Line                                       Jay Gilliland

4:05 The Bible Answerman                                Hank Hanegraaff

5:00 The Word for Today                                 Pastor Chuck Smith

5:30 Summons Pastor                                     Terry Gray

6:05 The Pastor's Perspective                           Pastor Chuck Smith & Others

7:00 Adventures in Odyssey                              Focus on the Family

7:30 Focus on the Family                                Jim Daly

8:00 A través de la Biblia                              Dr. J. Vernon McGee (In Spanish)

8:30 En Contacto                                        Dr. Charles Stanley (In Spanish)

9:00 Family Talk                                        Dr. James Dobson & Ryan Dobson

9:27 Take it to Heart                                   Christine Ditchfield

9:30 Manna in the Desert                                Pastor Bob Ortega

10:00 In Touch                                           Dr. Charles Stanley

10:25 Breakpoint Daily                                   Chuck Colson

10:30 Insight for Living                                 Dr. Chuck Swindoll

11:00 Thru the Bible Radio                               Dr. J. Vernon McGee

11:30 Grace to You                                       Dr. John MacArthur

11:55 Closing Prayer                                     Jay Gilliland


AM    Broadcast Title                                    Speaker

12:00 Moody Broadcasting Network                         Overnight Various

6:00 Thru The Bible Radio Q & A - Saturday              Dr. J. Vernon McGee

6:30 Paws & Tales (Children's Program)                  Insight for Living

7:00 Your Story Hour (Children's Program)               Your Story Hour Ministries

7:30 Adventures In Odyssey Weekend (Children's Program) Focus on the Family

8:00 Issues In Education                                Bob & Jeri Boyd

8:30 Special Programming                                To Be Announced

9:00 The Trading Post: Live Call-In Program             Kim Walton

10:00 Ladies Can We Talk: Live Call-In Program           Liz Foxx & Yolanda Quijas

11:00 Special Programming                                To Be Announced

11:30 Faith In Action                                    Jay Gilliland

PM    Broadcast Title                                    Speaker

12:00 Search The Scriptures - Weekend Edition            Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon

1:00 The Urban Alternative                              Dr. Tony Evans

1:30 Spiritual Food for the Soul                        Bishop Alexander Brown

2:00 Prayer's & Answers: Live Call-In Program           Jay Gilliland & Randy Smith

3:00 Weekend Magazine                                   Focus on the Family

4:00 Family Life - Weekend Edition                      Dennis Rainey and Others

4:30 Truth for Life                                     Pastor Allistair Begg

5:00 Renew My Mind Lord                                 Pastor Mike Wood

5:30 Let My People Think                                Dr. Ravi Zacharias

5:57 Take it to Heart                                   Christine Ditchfield

6:00 Love Worth Finding - Weekend Edition               Dr. Adrian Rogers

7:00 Essential Christianity                             Dr. Walter Martin

8:00 Issues in Education                                Bob & Jeri Boyd

8:30 Turning Point - Weekend Edition                    Dr. David Jeremiah

9:00 Insight For Living - Weekend Edition               Dr. Chuck Swindoll

9:30 Grace to You - Weekend Edition                     Dr. John MacArthur

10:00 Breakpoint - Weekend Edition                       Chuck Colson

10:30 Crown Financial's Money Life - Weekend Edition     Chuck Bentley

11:00 The Best of the Bible Answerman                    Hank Hanegraaff


AM    Broadcast Title                                    Speaker

12:00 Moody Broadcasting Network                         Various

6:00 Thru The Bible - Sunday Edition                    Dr. J. Vernon McGee

 6:45 Science, Scripture & Salvation - Weekend           Dr. John D. Morris

 7:00 A New Beginning Pastor                             Greg Laurie

7:30 Pressing Forward                                   Pastor Clift Barnes

8:00 The Word is Life                                   Rev. Marion P. Dixon

8:30 Hour of Decision                                   Rev. Dr. Billy Graham

9:00 Bible Truth Broadcast                              Pastors Saul Cooper & Jim Hunt

9:30 Renew My Mind Lord                                 Pastor Mike Wood

10:00 In His Steps                                       Joe Dickinson

10:30 Special Programming                                Health Related

11:00 Sun Valley Baptists - Worship Services             Pastor Jack Berg

PM    Broadcast Title                                    Speaker

12:00 In Touch - Weekend Edition                         Dr. Charles Stanley

1:00 Weekend Magazine                                   Focus on the Family

2:00 ACLJ Weekend                                       Jay & Jordan Sekulow

2:30 Truths that Transform                              Dr. D. James Kennedy

3:00 Unshackled                                         Pacific Garden Mission

3:30 According To God’s Word                            T. A. McMahon

4:00 Renewing Your Mind                                 Dr. R. C. Sproul

4:30 Word's to Live By                                  RBC Ministries

5:00 Family Life - Weekend Edition                      Dennis Rainey & Others

5:30 Living Way - Weekend Edition                       Pastor Jack Hayford

6:00 Radio Theater                                      Focus on the Family

6:30 Lamplighter Theater                                Theatrical

7:00 Homeward - Sunday Edition                          Dr. Jim Burns

8:00 Poetry From The Heart                              Evangelist Mary Williams Ewers

8:30 Live from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa                Pastor Chuck Smith

9:30 Turning Point - Weekend Edition                    Dr. David Jeremiah

10:00 Truths That Transform - Weekend Edition            Dr. D. James Kennedy

10:30 ACLJ - Weekend Edition                             Jay Sekulow

11:00 Essential Christianity                             Dr. Walter Martin

About Creation Truth Foundation

In the late 1960's, G. Thomas Sharp, who was at that time already an experienced science educator as well as a pastor of a medium sized Bible church in Alabama, came face to face with staggering domestic problems in the lives of his church members and students.

These problems compelled him to begin a search for causes, answers and solutions to these problems. The process was arduous and heart rending, however, the ultimate formation and ministry of Creation Truth Foundation, Inc., was birthed as the result of this research.

There were several earth-shaking realities that were uncovered in these early formative years—a number of which will be extremely important for the reader to know. Dr. Sharp discovered that something extremely formidable existed deep within the culture that was corrupting everything it touched—and the conservative evangelical community was helpless before its onslaught, for they too were falling as victims.

It was discovered that Bible believing families throughout the United States were suffering the loss of 60% to 70% of their sons and daughters to secular thinking by the time they reached 15 years of age!

It was further discovered that church going families were experiencing a 40%+ divorce rate! Moreover, it was observed that the Christian father, the vital link in the family who was intended to provide headship, identity and purpose, was vanishing from his God ordained place of leadership. In short, it became obvious that the number one target of this terrible attack was the family, and the family is, of course, the key to everything else in society.

The first task Dr. Sharp had to do was to positively identify the root cause of this attack. The research process extended over a twelve year time frame (1975-1987) that ultimately culminated in the publication of a three volume set of books entitled Science According to Moses.

His research revealed that Darwinian evolutionism has overthrown, in the name of science, the dominance of the Bible (creation in particular) as the foundation of America’s world view. Thus giving apparent "scientific" sanction to a mind-set governed by situational ethics (the many ramifications of this phenomenon is discussed in detail in Dr. Sharp’s above mentioned work).

Ultimately, however, by 1962-63 this secular world view and life style provided the public platform that made it easy for the secular humanist to separate God from all public life and practice—chief of which was the so-called unconstitutionality of prayer and Bible reading in the public schools of America. This quickly produced unprecedented moral and educational decline throughout our beloved country.

America’s only hope, it was determined, was for the Bible believing public of our land to awaken to the reality of a true Biblical faith. Basic to this renewal is a return to all of realities of Biblical Creation.

That is, if the God of sacred Scripture is our Creator, then He is our owner and because He is—only He can set the rules and we, His children, must obediently follow them, asking no questions.

Thus the need for a return to our Biblical foundation (Genesis 1-12) in complete faith and practice became overwhelmingly apparent. Accordingly, after much prayer and counseling with several leading pastors in America, many Christian parents, as well as myriad Christian professionals, Creation Truth Foundation, Inc., was birthed August 9, 1989.

In the organizational meeting, it was determined that awakening could only come to America from within the Christian community (II Chronicles 7:14). Therefore the following objectives were drafted as the official mission statement for all operations, activities and projects of Creation Truth Foundation, Inc.

Mike and Lesley Riddle are such a huge blessing!! They made this Creation Apologetics Teachers College, a 6-day course, available for an incredible price! The training was located in the same facility where we stayed. It was one intense week for me but it was priceless!  

I learned a lot of new things (although I was not new to Creation Apologetics!). All materials are very timely and relevant! This is MUST have training for any Pastor, Youth Leader, Elder, Deacon, Sunday Class Teacher, Bible Study Leader, or anyone who really wants to understand, have no doubt about the validity and authority of GOD’s word, the Bible, and where science, Bing-Bang and Billions of years fit in (or rather NOT)!

Once we finished the course and got our certificates, it was hard to part and a few tears were shed.

Knowing that Mike and Lesley came up with half of the cost for this course from their lifesavings, it makes me really appreciate their demonstrated commitment to the LORD so much more.

Lesley was always hustling and bustling trying to serve everyone's needs. I never seen anyone this committed to the LORD in this kind of environment. It would be a huge benefit to all Christians, if the word would spread about this ministry, their commitment, and the equipping of the Saints they are facilitating in such an effective way!

Please consider to donate to this ministry so that they can continue with this very, very important course!