Book: Revelation
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Intro:  On the earth, the greatest gathering of military might in the  history  of the world 
        has taken place as the 10  kings give their power to the beast (anti-Christ). They
        actually think they can thwart the return of Jesus Christ to establish God's reign 
        over the earth.

        A. Man is no match for God.
                1. The humanists have declared war on God, they want to rid our world of what
                   they refer to as superstitious beliefs in the existence of God.
                        a. They want man to be free from a Biblical base.
                        b. A trip to Europe will reveal how successful they have been.
                                1. Empty churches.
                                2. Drunkenness.
                                3. Pornography.
                                4. Open prostitution.
                        c. They have made great inroads here in the US. largely through 
                           rulings of the S.C.
                                1. Though the 10 commands are inscribed on the walls of the
                                   S.C. they ruled it illegal to have them in the class-rooms
                                   in Louisiana.
                                2. They opened the doors for pornographic films and magazines
                                   by their inability to define obscene.
                                3. In this mentality, a woman is reduced to an object of
                                   pleasure for the        .
                2. Surely they have said, "Let us break the bands asunder, and cast away their
                   cords from us."
                        a. It was moved by the ACLU seconded by the Supreme Court and approved
                           by the majority of the people who said or did nothing to stop it.
                3. Man has only been successful up until now because God has allowed it to be.
                        a. God is destroying the fallacy that we are all good but have lacked
                           the environment to show it.
                        b. Man unrestrained turns from nature or the natural use of his 
                           procreative powers.
        B. The Lamb is King of kings and Lord of Lords.
                1. He rules over lords and reigns over kings.

                A. "Are called."
                        1. "Many are called, few are chosen."
                        2. God calls all men to salvation.
                                a. Whosoever will, let him come and drink.
                                b. That whosoever believeth in Him.
                                c. Ho everyone that thirsteth.
                B. These are also chosen.
                        1. Paul lists this at the top of His blessings.
                                a. Eph. 1.
                                b. Chosen in Him before the foundations of the earth.
                        2. In Romans 8 he tells us that those He predestined, He also called.
                C. Faithful.
                        1. Faithful to the Word.
                        2. Faithful in service.
                                a. If He is my Lord, I am His servant.
                                b. If I am not serving Him, He is not my Lord.