Book: Revelation Print ( PC Only ) REVELATION 3:14-20 I. NEITHER COLD OR HOT. A. Sleeping Church. 1. Devils cunningness. a. "These signs shall follow." b. "Ask whatsoever ye will in faith." 2. Atlanta, Georgia, Judge. 3. "Can ye not tarry one hour." B. Unconcerned church. 1. Covered our eyes. 2. Built walls around us. 3. Must be concerned for lost. C. Lazy. 1. Takes work to win souls. 2. Takes more than belief in God's Word. II. DANGER OF POSITION. A. Spue thee out of mouth. 1. Nauseating to God. 2. Christ went full limit for you. B. False security. 1. "He that thineth He standeth." 2. "Wrestle not against flesh and blood." C. Must go forward or backward. III. WHERE DO WE STAND? A. Are we on fire? B. You have to be this or that. IV. CURE. A. Open door. |