Book: 1 John Print ( PC Only ) I JOHN 4: 7, 8 "LOVE ONE ANOTHER" I. BELOVED, LET US LOVE ONE ANOTHER." A. Commanded to love. 1. Not in word or tongue. 2. Notice John's loving terms: beloved, my little children. a. A great model for what he preached. 3. Loving one another, heart of New Testament message. a. Jesus answer to greatest commandment. b. "Love is the fulfilling of the law." c. Loving the lovable proves nothing. 1. Loving those who love me is natural. 2. Loving those who hate me is super natural. B. Why should we love one another? 1. Love is of God. a. He is the origin and source of love. b. The fountainhead from which all streams flow. c. Satan is the origin of hate. 2. Proof that I am born of God. a. Satan constantly attacks in area of assurance of salvation. b. One of greatest proofs we can point to is God's love working in our lives. |