Book: 1 John Print ( PC Only ) I JOHN 1:5 "THE MESSAGE" I. THE NEED OF THE MESSAGE. A. Man's concepts of God all confused. 1. Nature's revelations not complete. 2. Many spoke with authority yet were ignorant themselves. 3. Men spoke their own ideas in the name of God. B. Men had created their own gods. 1. Declared them to be the true gods yet they were just projections of themselves. C. Result: men were walking in darkness. 1. The blind were leading the blind. 2. Though they professed to know the Father, Jesus said, "Ye neither know Him or have seen Him." II. THE SOURCE OF THE MESSAGE, "WE HAVE HEARD OF HIM." A. Man's search for God, his concepts and ideas of God. B. God's revelation of Himself. 1. "No man hath seen God..." 2. "He that hath seen Me..." Ill. THE MESSAGE, GOD IS LIGHT. A. Light represents - 1. Physically - that which illumines. 2. Morally - purity. 3. Intellectually - truth. B. God is light. 1. Not "a" or "the." C. Light, love, a Spirit. |