Book: 1 Peter
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I PETER 2:20-23


Intro: This life is not always fair, the good guys don't always win.

        A. We must all face them.
                1. So often we seek to run from them.
                2. "Consider it not strange concerning."
        B. The source of my trials.
                1. So often its me.
                        a. The trials of facing the consequences of my own stupid acts.
                2. Sometimes it is Satan.
                        a. "We wrestle not..."
                        b. Job.
                3. They are allowed by God.
                        a. He does not promise deliverance from, but through.
                        b. He governs their intensity "He will not allow."
        C. The purpose of my trials.
                1. To purify me.
                2. Refining gold.
                3. To strengthen me.
                        a. By teaching me I have no strength.
                        b. I must trust in His strength.
                4. To teach me.
                        a. I learn so much about myself.
                        b. "Let no man think more highly..."
        D. Our proper attitude in trials vs. 20.
                1. Take it patiently.
                        a. Hard to do when I'm guilty.
                        b. Almost impossible to do when innocent.

        A. He suffered the greatest injustice in history.
                1. He was completely innocent. vs. 22.
                        a. "Who did no sin."
                        b. "Neither was guile found in His mouth."
                2. He was crucified.
                        a. God's justice violated.
                        b. Every death a vindication of God's judgment.
                        c. "The soul that sinneth."
                        d. Here was a soul that never sinned yet was put to death.
                3. "He suffered for us" "the just for the unjust."
        B. What is the example?
                1. "When He was reviled..."
                        a. He reviled not again.
                        b. So hard not to answer back.
                                1. When some dirty pig calls you a pig.
                                2. When a liar calls you a liar.
                                3. When some insolent little brat calls you...
                2. "When He suffered..."
                        a. "He threatened not:"
                                1. "I'll get even."
                                2. "I'll sue you."
                3. "He committed Himself to Him."
                        a. This is more than just committing a situation.
                                1. This we often do, commit situations.
                                2. Fresh commitments each hour.
                        b. Committing ourselves.
                                1. Oh God, I am your property.
                                2. This is a once and for all.
                        c. We need to remind ourselves often, "Why art thou cast  down?"
                        d. Commitment of no value if I take it back.
                        The rest in commitment - God is in control.
                        The joy in commitment - God is in control.
        C. This commitment does not mean that you are going to escape all trials.
                1. God delivered Paul from Nero - how?

you say: a. "That's no comfort."
                        b. Then you don't know the things God has prepared for those who love