Book: 1 Peter Print ( PC Only ) PETER 1: 3, 4 I. THE LIVING HOPE. A. It Is a living hope of life. 1. Age-old question, "If a man die, will he live again?" 2. From Christ's empty tomb the answer, "because I live, ye too." B. The reason for this hope. 1. Christ resurrection. a. Sign unto the Jews of His divinity. b. Assurance of His promises. 1. "I go to prepare a place." 2. "Because I live, ye too shall live." C. The object of this hope. "To an inheritance." 1. Because of our faith in Christ, "Sons of God." a. As sons we have inheritance. 2. Nature of inheritance. Human mind cannot comprehend full glory, splendor and beauty so it must be described by contraries, we know what it is not. a. Incorruptible. 1. In contrast to corruptible nature of things on earth. b. Undefiled. 1. Almost all life in some way tainted or undeveloped fully, because of sin. c. Fadeth not away. 1. Ambitions and aspirations of life are transient and disappointing. d. Reserved for you. 1. God has not appointed us unto death, but unto life in Christ. a. Life is ours by our faith in God and His Son Christ. |