Book: Hebrews Print ( PC Only ) HEBREWS 12:1-3 "LOOKING UNTO JESUS" Intro: Our text looks at life as a race with a course to run, and a prize to gain. I. PREPARATION FOR THE RACE. A. "Lay aside every weight." 1. In training for the Olympics the runners used to tie weights to their bodies. 2. When the actual race came, they would lay aside every weight. 3. There are things in life that weigh us down. a. Possessions. 1. Little old lady in Hunt. Beach used to call me every few weeks to give me books or momentos "I'm making my load lighter." b. Jesus spoke of cares of the world, deceitfulness of riches, desires for things. B. Set aside the sin that so easily besets us. 1. I am appalled at how easily sin besets me. 2. We must be on continual guard against it. 3. Sin is an impediment to my reaching my goal. II. HOW I AM TO RUN THE RACE "RUN WITH PATIENCE." A. One of my greatest problems is getting ahead of God. 1. I feel I have only so much time to get a task done, God has all eternity. 2. I want to see it happen today, instant success, help, healing, answers. B. Waiting on God makes sense. 1. Nothing I can do about it anyhow. 2. Why do I find it so hard to do? C. Interesting observation we may race madly through life until we start coming close to the goal. We often seem to be reluctant to cross the finish line. III. INSPIRATION FOR THE RACE "LOOKING UNTO JESUS." A. Author and finisher of our faith. 1. My life begins and ends with Him. 2. "In him we live and move and have our being." 3. He will not start something He will not finish. B. He is our example. 1. Runners in the marathon often experience pain. Leg cramps, side ache, foot blisters, sheer exhaustion. a. Why do they do it? The joy of winning. b. Paul says that they are willing to discipline themselves to win a corruptible crown. 2. So with Jesus "who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross." a. In order to finish the work of redemption. b. As He died on the cross, the shout of victory "it is finished." c. Our ascended Lord sits now in the place of glory and honor. C. "For consider Him." 1. Endured such contradiction of sinners against himself. a. He was dying for the ones who were killing Him. b. To be able to grant pardon for such horrible crimes. c. To save others He could not save Himself. d. Talk about suffering unjustly. e. Talk about unfairness. 2. Lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. |