Book: Hebrews Print ( PC Only ) HEBREWS 11:24 -27 "THE WISE CHOICE" I. THE TIME OF THE CHOICE "WHEN HE HAD COME TO YEARS." A. Actually he had come to the mature age of 40 where life proverbially begins. 1. Not immature impulsive decision of youth. 2. Not senile choice of satiated aged. a. delusion that religious life for aged. b. want to enjoy life first. c. quest for joy has produced 10,000,000 addicts in the U.S. plus untold millions who live in the pseudo realm of pharmacopoeia. II. THE CHOICE ITSELF. A. Called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. 1. As infant was snatched from a basket in Nile by princess, Hatshepsut. a. She entranced by his beauty desired to adopt him, "proper child." b. He was raised by her and schooled as a royal Egyptian. c. Josepheus states he was slated for the throne. B. Suffer affliction with the people of God. 1. Children of Israel were an abomination unto the Egyptians subjected to slavery. 2. Feeling that existed much like attitude toward Negro's in deep south. 3. Moses chose to identify himself with Israel. Ill. THE REASON FOR THE CHOICE. A. He knew pleasures of sin only temporal. 1. Foolish to try to deny that there is pleasure in sin. 2. Pleasure is short-Iived -- how soon the glow of even the most exciting experience fades. 3. How quickly we tire of experiences that at first seemed the ultimate. a. Narcotic addiction. 4. The prudent man looks to the end results. a. You may have the most exciting sensations you have ever known by taking a shot of heroin. Where does it lead? B. He respected the ultimate reward. 1. Jesus "In this life persecution" How long 90 years? "In life to come" How long? 2. If your entire 90 years spent in ultimate pleasure and when you died lost eternally. a. Pleasures for such a short season. Moses lived to 120 --80 years suffered reproach. He's been enjoying reward for 4,000 years, to enjoy it eternally. IV. THE COMPARISON. A. Reproach of Christ. 1. Worst Christianity has to offer. B. Treasures of Egypt. 1. Best the world has to offer. Compared the best that the world offered against the worst Christianity offered and still chose the way of Christ. |