Book: Hebrews Print ( PC Only ) HEBREWS 11:23-27 "BY FAITH" Intro: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen." Faith is believing something I cannot see. I believe the wind exists though I have never seen it, I have felt it, and I have seen evidence of it. I believe electricity exists, I have felt its current, I have seen its arc. I believe God exists, I have felt His touch and I see evidence of His existence all around me. I. "BY FAITH MOSES WHEN HE WAS BORN." A. When he was born his parents were slaves in Egypt. B. When he was born there was a standing decree that all baby boys born to the Hebrews should be thrown into the Nile river. 1. By faith his parents defied that decree and hid him for three months. 2. Mother finally placed him in Nile in a little reed basket. C. Moses life was steeped in faith from birth. II. "BY FAITH MOSES WHEN HE HAD COME TO YEARS" HE WAS FORTY YEARS OLD, NOT THE RASH IMPULSE OF A CHILD. A. Refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter. 1. As such, a possible heir to the throne. 2. At the least, a place of lofty distinction as a member of the royal family. a. A life of luxury and ease. b. A life of indulgence to the flesh. B. Chose rather to be identified with God's people. 1. As such afflicted. 2. Reproached. C. Why such a choice? 1. Recognized that pleasures of sin are only for a season. a. The thrill of sin is so short-lived. b. A moment of folly, a lifetime of regret. c. A lifetime of folly, an eternity of regret. 2. He had respect for the final reward. a. A life time of sin to be rewarded with an eternity without God. b. A life of righteousness shall be rewarded by eternity with God. 3. He knew it would profit him nothing if he gained the whole world and lost his own soul. III. HIS SECRET OF ENDURANCE WAS THE ABILITY TO SEE THE INVISIBLE GOD. A. Remember that faith accepts the evidence for things not seen. 1. I believe in God, to me it is evident. 2. I know He loves me supremely, evidenced in the suffering and death of His Son. 3. I know that He controls my life and the circumstances that surround my life. a. This does not mean life to be a bed of roses unless you include the thorns. 1. Moses suffered afflictions. 2. Reproach of Christ. b. It does mean God has an eternal plan for everything that happens. B. We must look beyond the immediate to the eternal. 1. Moses compared. a. The afflictions of God's people with the momentary pleasures of sin. b. The reproach of Christ with the riches of Egypt. c. The worst God has to offer is better than the best the world has to offer. |