Book: Hebrews
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HEBREWS 11:5,6


        A. "For thou hast created all things & for Thy pleasure were they created."
                1. Life can never be fulfilling apart from the primary principle of
                   life. To please God.
        B. How can I please God?
                1. Many ways.

a. Obedience.
b. Submission.
c. Worship and praise.
d. Trust.
                2. One ingredient necessary to all. Faith.
                        a. Without faith impossible to please Him.

        A. To come into a meaningful relationship.
                1. The Bible tells the stories of men who have done just that, and the
                   effect of that relationship in their own lives and how it eventually
                   affected others.
                2. Many had varied degrees of relationships.
                3. In Jesus Christ we have the perfect example of the potential of
                   such a life.
                        a. How it affected Him.
                        b. How He affected others.
        B. How can I come to God.
                1. "Must believe that He is."
                        a. Faith is accepting or believing what cannot be seen. "The
                        b. If you don't want to believe in God, no amount of argument
                           or logic will convince you.
                                1. The Bible never argues the existence.
                                2. Jesus Christ never argued the existence of God.
                        c. Faith is venturing out on the unseen.
                                1. I do not believe that you must be totally intellectually
                                2. the man who has never ventured out has no right to
                                   say that it does not exist.
                        d. Believing that God exists is easy and natural.
                2. Must believe "He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him."
                        a. Any man truly seeking for God will discover Him.
                        b. Some have jaundiced view of God They are afraid to seek  God.
                                1. He might require some awful thing, as though God
                                   loves to make you miserable.
                                2. Don't ever say you won't do something, That's just
                                   what God will make you do.
                                        a. I do not believe that.
                                        b. God is a rewarder of those!
                                        c. God has offered many rewards to you today.
                                              1. Eternal life (quality).
                                              2. love, joy, peace, assurance, fellowship,
                                                 guidance, strength.