Book: Hebrews
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HEBREWS 10: 12


        A. To know God.
                1. God has revealed Himself in nature.
                        a. To the rational logical mind creation testifies of a creator,
                           design of a designer.
                        b. Thus it is natural to believe in God.
                        c. Atheism is unnatural, thus it must be taught and constantly
                           worked at.
                        d. The witness of nature became distorted as the result of sin
                           and the fall of man.
                        e. The whole truth of God cannot be known through nature.
                                1. Death came by sin as did sickness.
                                2. These are imponderables to man for they bring
                                   sorrow and grief.
                                3. Fallen nature thus often challenges the chief
                                   characteristic of God's nature, love.
                2. So God revealed Himself through direct revelation to man.
                        a. The experiences of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob and
                           Moses recorded.
                        b. Later, God spoke through prophets.
                                1. But many claimed to be spokesmen for God.
                                2. Mental aberrations are often recognized by a person
                                   hearing voices.
                                3. There were more false prophets than true.
                3. God finally sent His only begotten Son.
                        a. In Jesus, the truth of God is known.
                                1. No man has seen the Father, but the only begotten
                                2. He that has seen Me has seen the Father.
        B. To walk in fellowship with God.
                1. God purposed that man should commune with Him, be one with  Him.
                        a. Communion must be meaningful, thus man given choice,
                           and something to choose.
                                1. He could have made robots.
                                2. Choice enhances the fellowship.
                        b. Man's wrong choice broke that fellowship.
                2. Sin now barred man from fellowshipping with God.
                3. God's desire was to make a way for those who chose to fellowship
                   with Him.
                        a. The establishment of the priesthood and the various
                           offerings. 5 in all:
                                           1. Burnt offering - consecration of self.
                                           2. Meal offering - consecration of service.
                                           3. Peace offering - communion.
                                           4. Sin offering - general sins.
                                           5. Trespass offering - specific sins.
                        b. Animals were substituted for man and offered by men who
                           themselves needed to offer.
                        c. The offerings were made daily and once a year the high
                           priest would enter the Holy of Holies.
                                1. The continual offerings testified to their lack of
                                   efficacy. -- Impossible that blood of bulls or goats
                                   could take away sin.
                                2. These offerings by man only pointed to the future
                                   offering that was to be made by God.
                4. Jesus Christ the one eternal sacrifice.
                        a. Jesus was both the sacrifice and the one who offered the
                                1. He entered into heaven to the throne of the Father of
                                   which the tabernacle was just a model.
                                2. He offered Himself once and for all.
                        b. This means that man's sins are put away forever and those
                           who choose may come to God by Him.
        C. One further purpose for man is to work with God to accomplish His work
           upon the earth.