Book: Hebrews
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        A. The light that shown over the plains is now shining over us.
        B. The songs the shepherds heard, ring in.
        C. The new hope that filled their hearts, fills.
        D. Yet conscious all not yet perfect.
                1. The things He came to do not yet completed.
                        a. Works of Satan not completely destroyed.
                        b. Not aIl are saved.
                2. The first advent incomplete, it demands something else.
                        a. Promise of Old and New Testament. He who came will
                           come again. As personal, as positive, as definite, as real as
                           the first. "Christ... shall appear a second time."
                        b. This statement not peculiar to text.
                        c. To those who do not hold the New Testament as final,
                           authoritative, inspired and infallible, I have no appeal. We
                           have no common ground.
                        d. You cannot possibly read the New Testament simply and
                           honestly without believing Christ is coming again. "This
                           same Jesus that ye have seen go into heaven, shall so
                           come in like manner..." Did these angels lie?
                        e. Paul's teaching "for the Lord, Himself, shall descend from
                           heaven, with a shout with the voice."
                        f. Every New Testament Writer presents this as a part of
                           common Christian faith.
                                1. Oh, if we truly had this hope today.

        "Christ ... shall appear the second time apart from sin."
        A. Contrasts this coming with first.
                1. Context tells us He appeared first to take away sins  That His next
                   coming is apart from sin.
                2. All the things of first advent necessary for second, but second will
                   be different.
                        a. First advent revealed sin.
                        b. Not only revealed sin but bore sins.
                3. He bore limitations of sin throughout His life.
                        a. poverty, loneliness, sorrow - poverty is result of sin sorrow is
                           sense of lack, "man of sorrows". All sorrows of humanity on
                           Him when He cried, "My God, My God."
        B. Next coming to be victorious.
                1. Come not in poverty but in wealth, not in sorrow but in joy.
                2. In first coming "no room in inn "The earth is the Lord's" First for
                   atonement, second for administration.
        Text: "It is appointed."
        Why most man die?