Book: Hebrews Print ( PC Only ) HEBREWS 9: 28 "THE PURPOSE OF HIS COMING" Intro: To prepare us for His second coming, 712 years before birth of Christ, Isaiah. God knows everything, said a virgin would conceive, 785 yrs. before His birth, Hosea. 538 years to Daniel very day. So God spoke in intricate detail giving over 300 facts about Christ. And thus it was in the fullness of time, right on schedule according to the announced pre-plan Christ was born of a virgin in Bethlehem. Just as sure and certain as God spoke of His first coming, He has spoken of His second coming. I. THE PURPOSE OF HIS COMING. A. To destroy the works of the devil. 1. Murderer. 2. Liar. B. To seek and to save those who were lost. 1. Affected their salvation by dying on the cross. C. To reveal the Father. D. Obvious that purposes still unfulfilled. 1. Satan's work all to apparent. 2. Still many who are lost. 3. Not all have seen God. E. "And if I go away I will come again." 1. At brightness of His coming, antichrist to be destroyed Satan bound and cast into abyss. 2. He shall reign in righteousness over all the earth. 3. All creation will return to its original intent. a. Lion will lie down with the lamb. b. The deaf will hear and the dumb will sing, the blind will see, restored order. II. WHAT WERE TO BE THE SIGNS OF HIS 2ND COMING? A. Increased knowledge and travel. B. World wars, famine, viruses, earthquakes. C. The nation Israel to be reestablished in their own land. D. Increased crime and juvenile delinquency. E. Labor strike. 1. These are the things the church would see. F. Other signs after church is gone. 1. Great tribulation such as world has never before seen. a. Wars with devastating consequences. b. Cataclysmic upheavals. 2. Anti Christ to be revealed. a. The world's great blood bath. Ill. HOW DOES HE PREPARE US FOR HIS SECOND COMING? A. Cleansing us from sin. 1. No unclean thing shall enter there, but the righteous. 2. Some of you worried about what you will have to give up. a. I had to give us every filthy old abominable habit that was destroying me. b. But He even took care of this-by giving me a new nature and the old things just dropped off. "Ye must be born again." B. At Christmas time at our home we celebrate the coming of Christ to the world. We accept His victory over Satan. We receive His salvation from sin. We praise the Father He has revealed and we anxiously await His return for us. These gifts so wonderful hard to get excited over the trinkets in the boxes. C. Are you prepared for His 2nd coming? |