Book: Hebrews Print ( PC Only ) HEBREWS 2:1, 2 "DRIFTING AWAY FROM CHRIST" I. FEARFULLY POSSIBLE TO DRIFT AWAY. A. Forces of darkness working against. 1. "Wrestle not against flesh and blood." B. Drifting is practically unnoticed. 1. Slow moving out with the tide. 2. Signs to watch. a. Bible. b. Prayer. c. Compassion for lost. d. Church attendance. II. TO DRIFT FROM CHRIST IS TO DRIFT TO RUIN. A. lt is to leave only refuge for sin. 1. Christ alone has power to save. 2. Great salvation. B. It is to disregard His claims. 1. "First spoken by our Lord." III. DRIFTING PREVENTED BY EARNEST LEAD TO WORD. A. Only through the word can you discover if faith exists. B. Only through word can faith be increased. C. Only through word can faith be maintained. |