Book: Hebrews
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HEBREWS 1: 2,3

I. CHRIST RELATION TO GOD (God revealed through works.
        A. Meaning of image.
                1. Not mere likeness, like image on coin.
                2. Essential manifestation and embodiment of the Father.
                        a. "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father."
        B. God invisible because pure spirit.
                1. Never seen with physical eyes (light invisible..
        C. Lesson of the image.
                1. As Christ image of Father, so we are to be image of Christ.
                        a. Romans 8, predestined and conformed to image of Son.
                        b. What a sin to change glory of incorruptible God to image of

        A. First born of all creation.
                1. Gnostics and teaching of angels.
                2. Jehovah witness today -Michael.
        B. Creator of all things.
                1. Extent of creation.
                        a. Heaven and earth.
                2. Vanity of creature.
                        a. Visible and invisible.
                                sun, stars)  (angels, souls of men)
                3. Orders of creation.
                        a. Angelic hierarchy?
        C. Object of creation.
        D. Sustenance of creation.
                1. By Him all things consist.
                        a. Universe.
                        b. Atom.

        A. The Head of the Body.
        B. The beginning.
                1. Hebrews -Author & finisher of our faith.
                2. Rev. -Alpha & Omega.
        C. First born from the dead.
                1. Resurrection is birth.
                        a. Christ called first born.
                        b. Not to continue existence as now, not a rest, new birth into  new
                2. Christ institutes new order of life. Mankind began its old life in  Garden
                   of Eden, his new life begins in the cross. The sins, sorrows  and failures
                   of the past are crucified with -Christ, dead and buried.
                3. Christ is supreme in this new order.
                        a. Rejected then and now.