Book: 2 Thessalonians Print ( PC Only ) II THESSALONIANS 2- 9 - 12 I. BRAIN WASHED (Causing a person to believe an untruth.. A. New weapon of warfare. B. Used in advertising. 1. "He used two dabs." 2. "For people who can't brush their teeth after eating." C. Used by Satan. 1. "Don't decide now, you have plenty of time." 2. "You're good enough as you are." 3. "You'll be unpopular." 4. "You can't really know God." II. BLOOD WASHED (Rev. 1: 5b. A. The need of this cleansing. 1. "The soul that sinneth shall die." 2. "The wages of sin is death." 3. "Those who have not experienced this washing shall be cast into hell." 4. "We by nature are children of wrath." B. Who needs it? 1. "AII have sinned." 2. "None righteous no not one." C. The results of blood washing. 1. Sins washed away. a. Forgiveness. b. Cleansing, pardon. 2. Nature changed. 3. Future assured. |