Book: 1 Thessalonians Print ( PC Only ) I THESSALONIANS 5: 18 "GIVING THANKS" I. "IN EVERY THING GIVE THANKS." A. We like to paraphrase the scriptures. 1. In most things give thanks. 2. In some things give thanks. B. This scripture opposes my human nature. 1. Some things I want to complain about. 2. I often have a legitimate reason to gripe. 3. I must confess that I often do not want to obey this scripture. C. This scripture at time opposes my intellect. 1. I cannot see any thing to be thankful for as the officer is writing out my ticket. 2. My intellect tells me it was just a dumb mistake on my part. a. How can I be thankful, I'm so stupid? 3. Thanksgiving is often an act of sheer faith. a. My intellect says "get upset." b. The spirit says, "give thanks." c. My intellect says " cry." d. The spirit says, "give thanks." 4. If I respond to the spirit and in faith begin to give thanks, I am blessed. a. I quit fretting and worrying. b. A beautiful l joy and confidence arises . II. "THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD CONCERNING YOU." A. It is God's will that you be thankful. 1. It seems that God is very sensitive in one area. 2. He takes it personal every time you murmur about your circumstances. a. He is the one who has designed the circumstances of your life. b. Thus, to murmur against circumstances is to murmur against Him. B. Our problem is that we walk so often in the flesh rather than the Spirit. 1. We consider only the things we see. 2. We seek our present comfort. 3. We live for the moment rather than eternity. C. We are prone to forget. 1. Got is in control of all the circumstances of my life. 2. "All things work together for good. . ." 3. God is smarter than I. D. Next time you are prone to complain or gripe, ask: 1. Is God still on the throne? III. HOW CAN I IMPROVE? A. Ask God to forgive you for maligning Him so bad. B. Make thanksgiving a habit. 1. Don't wait-for a special day. 2. Make it a daily practice. C. I think that David was called a man after God's own heart because he was always praising. |