Book: Colossians![]() COLOSSlANS 4:12 "A MORE EFFECTIVE PRAYER LIFE" I. PRAYER IS DESCRIBED AS WORK "LABORING FERVENTLY FOR YOU IN PRAYER." A. Seems strange that communing with God should be descried as labor. 1. This is intercessory prayer. a. Communion. b. Petition. c. Intercession. B. What makes it so hard to pray? 1. We are in a spiritual conflict. a. "We wrestle not against flesh and blood..." b. "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal." 2. Prayer is the deciding factor in this conflict. a. Scene of conflict is earth. b. Purpose of conflict control of earth and inhabitants. 1. The earth rightfully belongs to Jesus. a. Creator - Redeemer. 2. Fierce battle raging for centuries. 3. Strange quirk - One of the major contestants thoroughly defeated. 4. The Lord is rightful heir to throne. a. He seeks by love persuasion to influence men to yield to Him. 5. Satan in contrast uses violent force, he is an obstinate fighter. a. He yields only what he must. Prayer must be definite. b. He yields only when he must. Prayer must be persistent. c. Satan knows that prayer spells his defeat. 1. This is why he fights it so hard to keep you from prayer. |