Book: Colossians
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COLOSSlANS 4: 2 - 6
A. "Continue steadfastly."
1. No one has ever become earnest in prayer but what they have...
2. Why are we to persist in prayer?
a. Why can't we just pray once?
b. Doesn't it show a lack of faith to pray more than once?
c. Jesus spoke two parables that related to persistency in prayer.
1. Unjust judge.
2. Neighbor at midnight.
3. Do we seek to persuade God or change God's mind?
a. Prayer does not change the purposes of God.
1. This is never the intent of prayer.
2. Never to accomplish our purpose.
3. Every good and right thing you ever prayed for God had
already intended to give.
b. Prayer does change the action of God.
1. He will not violate our will.
2. It opens the door to do those things He desires to do.
4. Some answers come immediately.
a. Elleaser, "While I was yet praying..."
5. Other times it may take years.
a. Does this mean that God doesn't want to do it?
b. He is not ready to do it yet.
c. Apostles in Acts 1:14 (for 10 days)
6. Prayer is an open line of communion with God.
B. "And watch" stay awake.
1. Jesus said to disciples "could you not watch with Me, one hour" (same Greek
2. I believe God wants our minds sharp and alert when we talk with Him.
3. Sometimes our position in prayer tends towards drowsiness.
a. You might try sitting in a chair.
b. Going for a walk.
c. If you pray aloud your thoughts have less tendency to
C. "With thanksgiving."
1. So much of our prayer is personal petition.
a. This is necessary and not wrong so long as we balance it out with
b. In the Psalms we see the beautiful balance.
A. Continue steadfastly.
1. How important to pray for the minister.
B. What to pray.
1. "God would open a door of utterance."
a. Paul was in prison at this point, "open the doors of prison.
1. Liberty to proclaim the truth.
God help me to be a:
Dumb minister - Saying nothing.
Fantastic minister - Speaking only pleasing and exciting.
Idle minister - Never preaching God's counsels.
Cold minister - Unresponsive to people's needs but a faithful minister speaking the
mysteries of Christ.