Book: Colossians![]() COL. 3:1 -4 "DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES" I. IF YE THEN BE RISEN WITH CHRIST. A. Seek those things which are above. 1. Is it a sin to be rich? 2. Don't become so attached you're not ready to drop them without notice. a. Many seek to excel in Athletics. b. Many seek to gain great possessions. 1. "What should it profit a man to gain." c. Many seek for a "good time." 1. We are told however to seek first the kingdom of God. 3. Dangerous to 6e in love with the World. II. "FOR YE ARE DEAD." A. Dead to world, crucified with Christ. 1. Jewish Orthodox held funeral. B. When people kicking about this or that, "not dead still kicking." C. Dead men tell no tales. 1. If you carry gossip -you're not dead. III. RESULTS - LONG TERM OUTLOOK. A. When Christ shall appear we shall be with Him. |