Book: Colossians![]() COLOSSlANS 3:1 - 4 I. PRACTICAL DUTY. A. Seek those things which are above. 1. "Where a man's treasure is." 2. It is our true love. 3. The excellency of things above. a. They are satisfying. b. They are certain. c. Perpetual and everlasting. B. Encouragement to this duty. "Where Christ is seated at the right hand of God." 1. Christ our Lord is in heaven. 2. Christ sitting at right hand of God. a. Intercessory work. II. HEAVENLY THINGS OBJECT OF CONTEMPLATION. "Set your mind." A. Not on things on earth. 1. They are below us Phil. 3: 8,9. 2. On satisfying. 3. Full of anxieties. 4. Transient and uncertain. B. The reason for our contemplation on things above. 1. For ye are dead: Past act and continuous state. 2. Our death in Christ involves: a. Dead to sin Rom. 6:2. b. Dead toward Gal. 6:14. 3. Our hidden life in God. a. Hidden source of abiding strength. |