Book: Colossians
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Intro: A fierce battle has been raging since long before man was placed in the garden
       of Eden. Satan who was one of God's chief angels rebelled against God's  authority.
       When God created the earth and gave it to man Satan sought  immediately and
       successfully to bring it under His dominion by enlisting man to  trespass against
       God's commands.

        A. Through trespassing man became the slave of Satan.
                1. He began His tyrannical reign, bringing man into the         of corruption.
                2. But ere man left the garden God promised "You shall some day be freed"
                   "the seed of the woman shall bruise his head."
        B. "By one man's trespasses and disobedience sin enters."
                1. Man's trespasses multiplied.
                        a. So also did his miseries and woes, a definite correlation.
                2. God finally laid out the rules of life for man.
                        a. The keys to happiness, longevity, prosperity.
                        b. What was ordained for life became death for it  just
                                multiplied transgressions.
                        c. Man rejected the rules went deeper into        .
        C. "Having forgiven you all trespasses."
                1. God has provided for a select group of men forgiveness "you".
                2. Who are these fortunate people?  verses 9-13

        A. God took on human form and came down to the battle ground
                to meet the enemy in a decisive battle.
                1. As Jesus left the upper room with his disciples began to walk around the
                   Mt. of Olives, every evil force in the universe mustered behind Satan to
                   defeat His purposes.
                        a. We who have experienced the pressure of the attack from some of the
                           lesson demons have some small idea what if must have been like for
                           Him to face the combined.
                2. The allies of Christ fell early in the battle the enemy put them to sleep.
                        a. Alone He faces onslaught after onslaught until His His sweat like
                           blood falls to the earth.
                        b. Alone he wins the victory and as the sweaty blood begins to dry on
                           His face He walks with the soldiers to the High Priest.
                        c. He is soon to display his victory before the world. Where?  On the
        B. Through the cross the enemy was spoiled.
                1. Weapons were taken away.
                        a. Satan with sharp sword of law.
                        b. Death with his quiver of arrows.
                        c. Sin Satan's armor bearer shield crushes.
                        d. Our enemies totally disarmed.
                                1. Satan still comes as a roaring lion.
                2. Jesus took all our sin and guilt, He died in our place - now offers liberty 
                   to the captive the opening of the prison  doors.

        A. Roman triumph - greatest honor afforded a general, by the
                1. On set day gates to city opened - houses decorated.
                        a. First legion entered banners flying trumpets.
                        b. Center of parade chariot milk white horses crowned with laurel
                           standing erect. Chained to chariot kings and mighty men he
                        c. Next the booty of war.
                        d. Then the rest of the legions.
                        e. Finally all of the banners.
        B. The cross is the ground of his ultimate triumph.
                1. The gates of heaven flung open.
                        a. Amidst the shouts of victory came the legions from the Old
                           Testament period Abel - Enoch - Noah - Abraham - Samuel - David
                           - Elijah.
                2. In the center of procession our Lord.