Book: Philippians
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Philippians 4
I. Paul's estimate of them.
A. My brethren.
B. Dearly beloved.
C. The ones I long for.
D. My joy and crown.
E. Stand fast my dearly beloved.
II. The correcting of personal matters.
A. Euodias and Syntyche are to quit arguing, stop the division
among themselves, and be of one mind in the Lord.
1. Many people have specious arguments over nothing, that
mean nothing and that prove nothing.
2. The church has argued in the past over how many angels
could stand on the head of a pin.
B. They are to help those ladies that labored with Paul in the
gospel. Among whom was Clement, and other names that are in the
book of life.
1. That is probably a kind way of Paul saying I cannot
remember them by name right now.
2. That I remember their name is not nearly as important
as the fact that their names are written in the book of
III. Paul's encouragement.
A. Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.
1. I cannot always rejoice in the circumstances, but I can
rejoice in the Lord.
2. I sometimes weep over the condition of the world, I
weep over the foolishness of man who is caught up in
the life of the flesh, and the snare of the devil. But
I rejoice in the Lord.
B. Let your moderation be known to all men, for the Lord is at
1. Do not live a lavishly.
2. Avoid extremes in fashions and trends.
3. The middle of the road is the safest bet.
4. The reason is that the Lord is at hand.
C. Be careful for nothing. Don't worry about anything. What is the
cure for worry?
1. In everything, by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.
a. Learn to give to God all your concerns and
b. Cast all your cares upon Him, for He careth for
2. When you do, the peace of God that passeth all
understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through
Christ Jesus.
a. It will keep your mind from worrying.
b. What is the problem? Have you given it to the
Lord? Then why are you worried? Isn't the Lord
able to handle it? Has He taken a vacation?
D. Rather than thinking about the things that trouble you, that
cause worry and anxiety, think about the things that are.
1. True.
2. Honest
3. Just
4. Pure.
5. Lovely.
6. Good report.
7. If their is any virtue.
8. If their is any praise.
9. Think on these things.
10. There is a up side and a down side to everything. Some
only see the down side.
11. There is good and bad in all things. Some only see the
E. Do the things that you have learned and received, the things
that heard from me and seen in me.
1. Do them, the truth is of no value unless it is put into
2. Be doers of the word and not hearers only.
3. The result will be the peace of God will be with you.
IV. Paul concerning the offerings that they have sent to him.
A. He rejoiced greatly in the support that was sent to him by them
through Epaphroditus.
1. The sacrifice that it meant on their part.
2. He realized that it was an expression of love and
support for his ministry.
3. He knew that he was in their hearts, but they had
lacked the opportunity to support him for a while.
B. He was not trying to poor mouth, or emphasize his need.
1. He had learned contentment in all conditions.
a. His contentment was in Jesus, and doing His
b. It did not depend on material goods.
2. "I have learned that in whatever state I am in to be
a. I am contented when I am poor.
b. I am contented when I am rich.
c. I have been full, and I have been hungry.
d. I know what it is to abound, and I know what it
is to suffer need.
3. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth
C. They did well in sending the support to him in his affliction.
1. This was a pattern of them in the past, they always
came through.
2. At the beginning, when he left Macedonia, they were the
only church that supported him. They had sent support
to him a couple of times when he was in Thessalonica.
3. He was not saying that he was desiring the gift, but he
was desiring that fruit might abound to their account.
D. "God shall supple all of your need according to His riches in
glory, by Christ Jesus."
1. God will not be a debtor to them or any man.
2. Give and it shall be given unto you, measured out,
pressed down and running over shall men give into your
V. Paul's closing salutation.
A. "Now to God and our Father be glory for ever and ever."
B. Greet all the saints that are in Christ Jesus.
C. The brethren that are here with me greet you.
D. All the saints that are here in Rome greet you, chiefly those
of Caesar's household.
E. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.