Book: Ephesians
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Ephesians 4:13

I. The purpose of the church.
        A. To perfect the saints for the work of the ministry.
        B. To build up the body of Christ.
        C. The goal is to bring them into a unity of the faith.
                1. The church has been divided through the years more over
                   our differences in belief than anything else.
                2. One might question whether the unity of the faith is
                   even a possibility.
                        a. Protestants differ with the Catholics.
                        b. Presbyterians differ in form of church
                           government from the Episcopalians, who both
                           differ from the Congregationalists.
                        c. The Baptists differ from the Nazarenes and the
                           Church of Christ seem to differ from everybody.
                3. There is one thing that I think is more important than
                   the unity of the faith, and that is the unity of the
                   Spirit, of which Paul speaks in verse 3.
                4. Even if we differ from another in forms of church
                   government, or positions on baptism, or gifts of the
                   Holy Spirit, or when the rapture might take place, we
                   still need to realize that there  is one body, and one
                   Spirit, and one Lord.
        D. The second goal is to bring them into the knowledge of the Son
           of God.
                1. That you might by knowing Him come into a full
                   fellowship with Him.
                        a. When Paul was writing to the Philippians, he
                           spoke of the excellency of the knowledge of
                           Jesus Christ, and he expressed His desire to
                           know Him and the power of His resurrection and
                              the fellowship of His sufferings.
                2. That you might know all that you have by possessing
                        a. The resources that are available to you through
                        b. The future hope that you have in Him.
                        c. Thus Christ should be the central theme of all
                           of our ministry.
                        d. It is by Him, through Him, for Him that we
                        e. He is the alpha and the omega, the beginning
                           and the ending, the first and the last, the
                           author and the finisher.
                E. "Unto a perfect man."
                        1. Again the Greek work signifies fully mature.
                        2. Paul often expressed his concerns because of
                             their spiritual immaturity.
                                a. He called the Corinthians babes in
                                    Christ. He said that he fed them milk
                                   not meat.
                                b. The writer to the Hebrews who I believe
                                   to be Paul, rebuked them for at a time
                                   when they should be mature enough to be
                                   eating strong meat, they still had need
                                   of milk.
                                c. So many believers never grow beyond the
                                   bottle stage. They still sit in their
                                   play pens throwing their temper
                                   tantrums. They are in a state of
                                   arrested spiritual development.
                                d. Much of the blame must be put on the
                                   pastors who
                                   are not giving them the kind of
                                   spiritual food that prompts real
                                   spiritual growth.
                                e. Only the word of God can prompt
                                   spiritual growth. It is alive and
                                   powerful, able to pierce and divide
                                   between the soul, and the spirit.
                                f. You cannot grow spiritually on
                                   experiences, no matter how exotic they
                                   might be. It takes the solid teaching
                                   of the word to promote spiritual
                F. To the measure of the stature of the fullness of
                        1. Our goal is to see you conformed into His
                                a. Pure as He is pure,
                                b. Holy as He is holy.
                                c. Righteous and He is righteous.
                                d. Loving as He is loving,
                                e. Forgiving as He is forgiving.
                        2. Jesus Christ is the model that the Father is
                           using as seeks to conform you into the image of
                        3. If you desire to know the finished product,
                            just look at Jesus.
                                a. David said, "And I shall be satisfied
                                   when I awake in thy likeness."
                                b. John said, "Beloved, now are we the
                                   sons of God, and it does not yet appear
                                   what we shall be, but we know that when
                                   He shall appear, we shall be like Him,
                                   for we shall see Him as He is."

II. That we be no more babes.
        A. This seems to be the prayer and desire of Paul for the people.
                1. Grow up. Become mature, quit acting like immature
                   little babies.
                2. Quit being ruled by the desires of your flesh, and
                   begin to walk after the Spirit. No more temper
                   tantrums, if I can't be the king, I'm not going home
                   and I am not going to play with you anymore.
                3. Paul was tired of changing their diapers.
        B. One of the marks of a babe.
                1. They are tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine.
                        a. I want to commend you people for your spiritual
                        b. The Christian T.V. is promoting all kinds of
                           spiritual hodge poge, every kind of weird
                           doctrine, it is as though they are lacking and
                           devoid of any spiritual discernment whatsoever.
                        c. You have been mature enough that you have not
                           chased after all of these so called men of God
                           who are espousing all of these unscriptural
                           practices and beliefs.
                        d. There are constantly new winds of doctrine
                           blowing across the church.
                        e. It was happening in Paul's day, it is happening
                        f. The teaching that everyone ought to be healed.
                        g. The shepherding doctrine.
                        i. The faith teachings, of commanding God and
                           writing your own ticket.
                        j. The "You are god."
                        h. The deliverance doctrines. Your overeating
                           disorder is the demon of gluttony that needs to
                           be cast out.
                        i. The slain in the spirit.
                        j. The spiritual auras.
                        k. The laughing hyenas, or Toronto blessing.
                2. The spiritual babes are deceived the cunning craftiness
                   of these charlatans who lie in wait to deceive.
                        a. They spend their time trying to think up some
                           new and novel gimmick whereby they might draw
                           the crowd that they might then fleece them.
                        b. There are idea men who make their living by
                           thinking up new money begging appeals, and they
                           get a percentage of funds that come in by their
                           clever ideas. The man who thought up the idea
                           of seed faith made millions off of that
III. "But speaking the truth in love may grow up into Him in all things."
        A. So it is the duty of the pastor teacher, the evangelist, the
           prophet of Apostle to speak the truth in love.
                1. I have heard some speak the truth, but they seemed to
                   be very lacking in love.
                2. They always seem to have a chip on their shoulder, some
                   ax to grind.
                3. Their tongues are like a sharp razor by which they seek
                   to shred anyone who disagrees with their position.
                4. They use their pulpits like a sledge hammer to destroy
                   all differing views.
                5. They come off as loving as an atomic bomb.
        B. May God help us to present His truth in a very loving style, so
           that the people may grow up in Him.