Book: Acts
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ACTS 24: 24, 25
A. Salvation a very reasonable experience, "Come now. . Iet us reason
1. I have never yet met a man who has rejected God on the basis of true
a. Some are very prejudiced.
b. Most are concerned about life style.
B. He reasoned of righteousness, "His relationship with his fellow man."
1. Felix was a slave who rose from his servitude to ruler ship.
a. He was noted for his corruptness.
b. He was found guilty of extortion.
c. He was looking for a bride from Paul.
2. How God wants us to live a right life.
a. He has laid out the rules for us, yet He condensed the whole
code, "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
b. To obey the rules will bring joy and satisfaction.
c. To violate the rules will end in sorrow and despair.
C. He reasoned of temperance, "self control." (relation to self.
1. Beside Felix, sat his voluptuous wife, Drusilla.
a. Recognized as wife by Scriptures yet history tells us they were
just living together.
b. She was actually the wife of another man but Felix encouraged her
to move in with him.
2. They were noted for their extravagant life styles.
a. Paul extolled to them the virtues of a moderate life.
D. He reasoned of judgment to come, his relation to God.
1. There is a day of judgment coming.
a. You may be living on the border of man's law.
b. You may go undetected by man.
2. Some day you must stand before God.
a. The Bible speaks of everything being naked and revealed
before Him.
b. You may think you are getting by with your extortion's
and lascivious life style.
3. Though God is patient, merciful and loving, He is also righteous, holy and
a. He cannot allow your sins to go unpunished.
b. That is why He provided the cross.
A. Conviction Felix trembled.
1. The Holy Spirit was putting the pressure on.
a. He probably wondered himself at this quivering feeling.
b. Paul knew what it was, he had seen the Philippian jailer in the
same condition.
2. As you hear God's claims upon your life, you may begin to get shook.
a. The Spirit of God seeks to press home the truth to your
B. Procrastination, "a more convenient time."
1. Atheism has destroyed some.
a. Procrastination has destroyed millions.
2. There is never a more convenient time.
a. Behold now is the day of salvation.
b. Because of his corruptness, Felix was removed from his
position and banished. Only the influence of his brother" Pallus
saved him from execution.
c. His more convenient time never came, and neither will yours.
3. You will never be nearer salvation than you are right now,
if you reject now chances are you will never be saved. The
longer you watt the less chance you have.