Book: Acts
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ACTS 17:22-29
Intro: Paul had come to Athens for an R&R. As he walked about this city that represented the
Apex of Greek culture, he was stirred as he saw their pantheism. He began to share in
the Agura daily.
A. Indeed they were.
1. Above Paul was the Acropolis, with the Erechtheum and Ayekee.
2. Below him the market place known as the Agura with its many temples and
3. The Greeks had deified about everything.
a. The forces of nature, planets, stars.
b. The emotions of man -- love, joy, hate, sorrow.
4. In case there might be some god that was aver looked, they erected an
altar to the "unknown god."
B. Paul was saying this God does exist and you can known Him.
A. The God who created the world and all of the life forces within.
1. In their warship they were guilty of worshipping the created rather than
the creator.
2. So many today guilty of same error.
B. "Lord of heaven and earth."
1. Over all of these forces of nature.
2. Over all the emotions of man.
a. He doesn't dwell in these Temples made with hands.
b. The heavens cannot contain Him.
c. This is not the house of God.
1. He doesn't dwell here as opposed to some other place.
2. We did not build this for God to dwell in, but for us
to worship God in.
d. Men are only deceiving you when they tell you that you
must build some lavish church for the glory of God. He
was happy with the tent, "the place of meeting."
3. Not worshipped with our hands.
a. i.e, Our handiwork, these golden or silver altars that
adorned their streets, where people were encouraged to
leave their coins; as though He were a beggar and needed
their support.
4. He is a giving God.
a. He has given you life, breath, alI things.
b. He doesn't depend on us, we depend on Him.
5. From one stock, Adam, He has created all the nations.
a. He rules over all nations.
1. Appoints their boundaries.
2. The length of their stay.
b. He rules over your boundaries and sojourn.
6. He is not far from us.
a. All religions think of God as being very far away.
b. The distance is moral not positional.
c. "In Him we live and move and have our being."
1. I am surrounded by Him.
2. I cannot escape Him.
7. "We are His offspring."
a. We have not evolved from the lower forms of nature.
b. "We have fallen from the image of God"
c. Man searching for his roots is looking in the wrong direction.
A. verse 27, "Seek the Lord that you might find Him."
1. He surrounds you.
B. "Repent" which means to turn.
C. The unknown God has been revealed by His Son.
1. Matt., "No man knows the Father but the Son, and to whomsoever He will
reveal Him."