Book: Acts
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ACTS 8:39
Intro: Joy is almost the trademark of Christianity. The happy faces at camp, here. Rejoicing
is one of the first consciousness of the new life. New Christian at camp. Joy to the
world, the Lord has come. The only ones to receive this joy are those who have
received this Lord.
A. Because we are forgiven.
1. We are not perfect.
2. The heavy load of guilt is removed.
3. How do we know we are forgiven?
a. God's Word promises it.
b. The Holy Spirit assures us and confirms.
4. What a joy to realize all my sins are forgiven.
a. Primary example of early childhood.
B. We are now accepted by God.
1. God accepts me as I am.
a. So often we seek to change ourselves.
b. We struggle in vain trying to improve.
c. We want to be acceptable to God.
d. Our weakness and inability lead us to frustration.
2. God will accept you right now, just as you are.
a. With all your failures and evil.
3. God will begin to change your life.
a. Hollywood stars seeking to change your image.
b. God takes over as manager of you life and He begins to
change your image.
c. So beautiful to see those things I hated begin to drop off.
d. "We with open face beholding..."
e. I am very excited about the new image God is creating for me.
4. The scripture speaks of "accepted in the beloved".
C. Because we now have the victory.
1. Have you ever observed the emotions of the people at a game?
a. The losing team.
b. The winning.
2. For a long time we had been a loser.
a. Now we have victory
A. It is spontaneous.
1. It springs from within.
2. Philip did not coach or coax him.
a. He had been on a long search for God.
b. He suddenly found what he was searching for.
3. That automatic response to grace.
B. It is continuous.
1. Each day we find ourselves rejoicing in the Lord.
2. Sometimes when we get caught up in things , and lose our
perspective, we get bogged down.
a. "Why art thou cast down O my soul?"
C. It is forever.
1. Because God's love and grace is forever.
2. "Now unto Him who is able to keep you..."
A. By receiving Jesus Christ as you Lord.
1. As your Lord He will give you forgiveness, love, victory which will result
in joy.
B. Two groups will leave this tent today.
1. Doubters.
2. Rejoicers.
3. In which crowd would you like to be?
4. In which crowd would you like to be?