Book: Acts Print ( PC Only ) ACTS 4:23-31 "PRAYING WITH POWER" Intro: Prayer is communing with God. More than that, it is asking and receiving from God. I. CONCEPT OF GOD, "LORD, THOU ART GOD." A. "Which hast made heaven and earth and the sea and all that is in them is. 1. Look up into the heaven --tells power of God. 2. Look around on earth --tells wisdom of God. 3. The one you are talking to is unlimited in power. 4. The one you are talking to is infinite in wisdom. B. When you pray, how do you conceive God? 1. A limited concept will naturally limit your prayers. 2. If you think of God in terms of your husband, not only question of willingness, but of ability. a. With God never a question of ability. 1. "Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding..." 2. Do not pray in terms of natural laws. b. With God it is only a question of His will. II. THE WORD OF GOD IN PRAYER, "WHO BY THY SERVANT PAUL." A. The Bible not only reveals God, it also reveals God's will. 1. This is why a knowledge of the Word so important. 2. "We know if we ask anything according to His will." B. Disciples quoted God's Word back to Him not so much for God's benefit, but own. 1. How it increases our own faith, when we know God's word and His will. a. Abraham knew God's Word concerning Isaac. Ill. THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD IN PRAYER - vs. 27, 28. A. Realize God is ruling overall. 1. Worldly authorities and thrones in subjection. B. Does not this just about rule out the necessity of prayer? 1. Motto "prayer changes things." a. Never God but "things." b. Often me but never God. c. Every right thing you have prayed for, God has already intended to give you. d. Prayer is the opening of the door of your will to allow God to do the things He wants to do in and for you without violating your free moral agency. 1. "For the eyes of the Lord go to and fro." 2. "Ye have not chosen me." IV. THE RESULTS OF SUCH PRAYER. "AND WHEN THEY HAD PRAYED." A. The thing they were praying for - boldness. 1. Boldness to defy the threats they had received. 2. Boldness to speak God's Word. B. Threefold result. 1. Place was shaken. 2. They were filled with the Holy Ghost. 3. They spake the Word of God with boldness. a. But ye shall receive power often the Holy Ghost shall come upon you. |