Book: Acts
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Intro: Last week we saw that the Bible teaches the Holy Spirit is a person -not a force or
       essence. He knows, loves, speaks, wills. He can be grieved, lied against.

        Deut. 6:4 Jehovah our God (Elohim. is one(echad. Jehovah Attributes of God are
        ascribed to Him:
        A. He is eternal Heb.9:14.
        B. He, only knows the things of God I Cor. 2:11.
        C. Omnipresent Ps. 139:7-10.
        D. Omnipotent Luke 1:35.
        The works of God are ascribed to Him.
        A. Creation "Let us" Ps.104:30. 
        B. He gives life John 6:63 11 Cor. 3:6. 
        C. He inspired the Bible II Pet. 1:21.
        His Name is coupled with the Father and the Son.
        A. In baptism Matt 28:19.
        B. Apostolic benediction II Cor 13:14.
        C. In  the administration of the church I Cor. 12:4-6. 
        D. Ephesians 4:4-6.
        E. Romans 15:30.
        Words ascribed to God, and Jehovah in the Old Testament ascribed to Holy Spirit 
        in the New Testament. Isa 6: 8-10 with Acts 28:25-27. Jeremiah 31:31-33 with  
        Heb. 10:15-17 and Ps 95:7-11 with Heb. 3:7-9.
        The Holy Spirit is called God.
        A. Acts 5:3.
        B. II Cor. 3:17 "Now the Lord is the Spirit." vs. 18 "The Spirit the Lord."

        A. How can l be saved?
        B. How can I be filled?

II. ACTS 2: 38.
        A. Repent is a change of mind (God - sin - Christ).
                1. Change of mind about Jesus Christ.
                        a. Acts 2: 36, 37, 38.
                2. Accept Jesus Christ as Savior.
                        a. Are you saved?
                        b. On what are you resting the grounds of your salvation.
                        c. Gal. 3: 2 "Received ye the Spirit by the..."
                3. Change of mind about sin.
                        a. Must renounce all sin.
                4. Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for remission.
                        a. Outward sign - secret Christians.
        B. Acts 5:32.
                1. Obedience.
                        a. Heart of obedience is the will.
                        b. Surrender the whole will to God.
                        c. Many afraid to do this.
        C. John 7:37-39.
                1. Thirst, "Blessed are they..."
                        a. As long as you feel you can get by without.
                2. Must be for glory of God.
                        a. Simon the sorcerer.
        D. Luke 11:13 -Ask Him.
                1. Many feel given as abiding presence at Pentecost, no need to ask.
                2. Jesus Christ abiding gift at Calvary.

ACTS 1:1


Intro: Former treatise of course refers to the gospel according to Luke.

        A. Key found in this word began.
                1. Luke's gospel tells of beginnings of Christ's actions and teachings.
                2. Acts continues the story of the actions and teachings of Christ through
                   anointed men.
        B. The story of Christ in the gospels has been called "The Story that Changed  the
                1. The world has not been changed by the telling of the story of Christ.
                2. It has been changed by the coming of Christ. 
                        a. No man has had a greater effect upon history.
                3. There is certainly no story as beautiful.
                        a. No mere story could effect such changes.
                4. How has the world been changed?
                        a. Suggested in this word began.
                        b. Jesus has never stopped working, He still teaches, "He is the
                           same yesterday..."
                        c. The world has been changed by the living presence of the   living
                           Christ in each age.
                        d. We have not gathered today to talk of a Christ who was, but a 
                           Christ who is.
        C. How was the ministry of Christ to continue?
                1. Through men baptized with the Holy Spirit.
                        a. John promised He would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and  fire.
                        b. Jesus said, "Ye shall receive power..."
                        c. Through the baptism of the Holy Spirit men's lives are brought 
                           into a oneness with Christ, a fire is kindled, men are changed.

        A. What were His interests?
                1. Always interested in people.
                        a. Especially interested in those with greatest needs.
                        b. I must assume that the one who has walked through these  doors
                           today with the greatest need is the one He is most  interested in.
                2. He continues His work in the same lines.
                        a. Someone has said our ministry should parallel Christ.
                                1. Parallel lines never meet.
                                2. Our ministry must begin with vital meeting.
                        b. He should always be at the center of the circle.
                                1. It starts with Him and emanates out.
                                        a. Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria...
                3. He always attracted crowds.
                        a. Everywhere He went crowds followed.
                                1. Not crowds of one class of people.
                                        a. "Common people heard Him..." Much people.
                        b. Has Jesus lost His power to attract crowds?
                                1. He is as attractive today as ever.
                                2. The problem of an empty church in a populated area is  
                                   that of a hidden Christ.
                                3. We have congresses on how to fill churches.
                                        a. Let Christ be manifested in lives of people.
                                4. You may preach Christ as a founder of moral ethics until
                                   you have emptied your church.
                4. He was always attracted by crowds.
                        a. Purpose of going to feasts in Jerusalem.
                        b. He went where people were "in midst of doctors" "of disciples"  in
                           heaven in midst of the throne, where 2 or 3.

The parish priest of austerity, climbed up in a high church steeple, to be nearer God, so 
that he might hand His word sown to the people. And in sermon script he daily wrote, what he 
thought was sent from heaven, and he dropped it down on the people's heads twice one day in 
seven. In his age, God said, come down and die. And he cried out from the steeple where are 
you Lord? and the Lord replied down here among the people.
                5. He also knew the crowds.
                        a. Knowing them He still Loved them.
        B. He said, I am the light of the world, what does He say now you are the light  of 
           the world.