Book: Luke
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LUKE 21:25
1. Possible consequences.
a. Trigger main confrontation between East and West.
b. Russia in any event of war would make move into Middle East.
1. 47% of our oil comes from foreign sources.
2. By stopping flow of oil, the West would be brought to its knees.
1. Bombed Iraqi nuclear reactors.
2. Fought with P.L.O. in S. Lebanon in summer.
3. Primary threat is Syria and P.L.O.
4. Explosive areas.
a. Syrian missiles in Bekka valley.
b. P.L.O. terrorism.
c. Golan Heights.
1. Annexation by Israel.
2. U.S. backed U.N. condemnation of Israel.
3. Waning U.S. support for Israel.
a. Zech., "Though the whole world be gathered..."
b. Reason behind U.S. policy.
1. General Dozier captured by Red Brigade in Italy.
2. Bader Meinhoff terrorists in Germany.
3. P.L.O.
a. Highly trained, highly financed.
b. Russia behind training.
1. Red Brigade trained in Cecho.
c. Libya behind financing.
1. Exporting trained hit squads.
Famine: Cambodia, Odan, Ethiopia, Poland.
Moral Decay
1. Gibbon - Rome was not conquered from without, but rotted from within.
2. Family breakdown.
a. High divorce rate.
b. Lack of true communication in family.
1. T.V., radio, and rock groups have a stronger influence on forming their
ideologies than parents.
3. Educational failure.
a. Strong influence of Humanism and existential philosophy.
b. Values classification.
c. Eliminates any moral base to make value clarification.
4. Results observable in our society.
a. Wide scale drug use.
b. Violent crimes increase.
1. Assault, rape, senseless murder.
2. Increase in robberies.
c. Corruption in government.
5. II Tim. 3:1-4
A. Many military leaders feel this is the year that Russia will make move for world
conquest. Lewis, Hershey, Kissinger.
1. They possess the greatest military advantage, and time is against them for
the first time.
a. The longer they wait, the stronger we become.
B. Is all hopeless?
1. From a Biblical standpoint things never looked more exciting.
2. Jesus is surely coming soon.
a. As the world begins to face off, the Christian's face is up.
"Look up..."
b. As the world looks desperately for a leader to arise to solve the
dilemma, the Christians look for their King to deliver them from
the wrath to come.
3. As men's hearts fail them for fear as they face the future the Christian's
heart leaps for joy in the anticipation of seeing His Lord face to face.
A. Continued economic crises.
1. Banks pushing more for E.F.T.
a. This year, Master-Card and new Visa introduced.
b. They seek to phase out checks and money.
B. Increased peace movement in Western Europe.
1. Towards end of year, movement began.
2. Several large gatherings of Western Europeans
3. Antichrist is to come in peaceably and with flatteries.
C. Increased Terrorism.
1. Evil days to wax worse and worse.
D. Increased social disorder.
1. For years we have sowed the wind. The time is coming for us to reap the
E. I believe that God is in the final countdown, and all systems seem to be go.
They say that Nero fiddled while Rome burned Tonight the world is afire with forces that are
destroying. Look at how many poor blind souls are welcoming the New Year. "They fiddle..."