Book: Luke
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LUKE 16:10,11
Intro: Our concept of life as servants waiting for our Lord.
A. I am a steward of my masters goods.
1. Nothing I possess is mine.
a. From childhood we seem to try to define our territory. "Mine" My
doll, my car...etc.
b. In looking at the things I control, I must say "His."
2. The question no longer is "How much of my money can I afford to give to
God? But, how much of God'-s money dare I spend on myself?
A. Accused of wasting his masters goods.
1. How can we waste His goods?
a. Not using them as He intended. The parallel parable of the talents.
b. By diverting them for personal use.
c. By not caring for them properly.
B. Called to give accounting.
1. One day we shall stand before our Master to give an accounting.
2. We shall be rewarded according to our works.
C. This steward compounded his evil doings.
1. He wasted his master's goods even more.
2. He began to discount the obligations to his master.
D. As the Lord makes the application of the parable we are shocked.
1. We expected him to be cast to the torments.
2. The Lord commended him for his wisdom.
a. Not for his actions, he was no doubt punished for that.
b. The wisdom of taking advantage of what you have now to serve your
c. Solomon said, "Go to the ant you lazy bum, learn of his ways and
be wise."
1. In another place he speaks of wisdom, 4 things small, but
wise, "The ant lays up its meat in summer."
A. Make use of the unrighteousness of mammon.
1. We know that we will one day die.
2. We know that we can take nothing with us.
a. You may request to be buried in your Porsche.
b. You'll face one of two problems. Gates of heaven to narrow to drive
through or pavement so hot it will burn your tires.
3. We must use what we have now to the best advantage.
a. The dollar bill is the currency of the U.S. and the ruple is the
currency of Russia.
b. If you are going on a trip to Russia you must exchange your dollars
for ruples.
c. Frustration of trying to buy some items in Tel Aviv with U.S.
d. The dollar is not current in heaven If you could carry a sack
full with you.
e. Use the opportunity that you have now to lay up eternal treasures.
B. My inheritance in His eternal kingdom will be in ratio to how faithfully I managed
his goods here.