Book: Luke
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LUKE 2:1 - 14
Intro: The most beautiful love story in the world, "God so loved the world that He gave..."
A. Roman republic had become Roman Empire.
1. The Roman legions had bludgeoned the world into submission.
2. The gates of the temple of Janus were closed now for 10 years.
a. What a beautiful time for the Christ child to be born? Think again.
B. Caesar Augustus.
1. True name Cais's Octavius.
a. Took name Caesar from grand-uncle Julius Caesar.
b. Augustus a title from Roman Senate.
1. First suggested dictator (temporary).
2. Next suggested King (did not signify enough..
2. First Roman Emperor.
a. Rome formerly ruled by generals.
b. Gradually power invested in one man.
3. He had almost attained hegemony.
C. Issued a decree that all the world should be taxed.
1. "And all went to be taxed."
2. Think of the power.
a. One despot sitting in the lap of luxury in Rome issuing an order.
b. The whole world bows.
1. No appeal.
2. No exceptions.
A. The journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem is over 60 miles.
1. Very difficult in last stages of pregnancy.
a. It would be difficult to drive.
b. Much more to ride donkey or walk.
B. Why such a hazardous journey?
1. Because Caesar gave an order?
2. Because God said over 700 years earlier, "And thou Bethlehem."
C. The human side--
1. One man so powerful, he issues an order and whole world bows.
2. Insignificant couple in far off province, inconvenienced by order. Hardly
anyone aware of their journey.
D. The Divine side.
1. Couple must be in Bethlehem for birth of child.
a. Nothing short of a decree from Caesar would cause them to go at
this stage.
2. All of heaven is watching intently as they journey.
3. The man in Rome is just puppet. True hegemony shall some day be attained
by this child born in Bethlehem.
Ill. vs. 7 -- "NO ROOM IN THE INN."
A. Word translated inn (kataluma..
1. Not a hotel.
2. No private rooms, just a walled enclosure with well in center.
B. No child ever born in more humble surroundings.
1. He who was born to be King of Kings.
2. "He was in the world and the world."
C. No room for the Christ Child to be born.
1. Surely had they known who He was.
a. Yes, had they known, someone would have opened their doors.
2. That's what makes your sin so great today.
a. You know who He is but you have not made room for Him in your life.
b. The door of your heart still closed.
3. Do you realize what you're celebrating Christmas is doing to you?
a. You are witnessing against yourself.
1. You're acknowledging the birth of the Savior.
2. You know Christ was born in the world.
b. You are leaving your self condemned without excuse.
c. I am often asked, "What about the poor native, who have never
1. I am not worried about him, God will deal justly with him.
2. I am more concerned with you who have heard, but have made
no room for Him in your life. God will deal justly with you
3. I do not want God to deal justly with me. I desire mercy.
I am guilty, I confess it, I have sinned, but there was born in Bethlehem a Savior who Is
Christ the Lord, and He has saved me from my sins. And this Christmas we are going to
celebrate His birth with love and joy without condemnation.