Book: Acts
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ACTS 5:28-32
Intro: How can I be more effective for God?
A. Reports come from their enemies.
1. Not the overstated report of an evangelist.
B. "Filled Jerusalem with your doctrine."
1. . Oh, that we might fill this area with the doctrine of Jesus Christ.
C. Another report (Thessalonica., "These men who have turned the world upside down
have come..."
A. Vs. 30 - God has raised up Jesus who was crucified.
1. Jesus triumphed over death.
2. His victory spells victory for us.
a. "In my Father's house....because I live..."
3. We are entering into a season of frenzied activity.
"Tis the season to be nervous."
a. People buying frantically.
b. Houses being filled with gifts.
c. What are you preparing to celebrate?
d. Christmas? What is Christmas?
1. The birth of our Savior.
2. It He your Savior?
3. How did He save you?
e. If you do not believe in His resurrection, then you are the
biggest hypocrite of all; celebrating His birthday.
B. Vs. 31 God has exalted Him to be a Prince and Savior, to give repentance and
forgiveness of sins.
1. His Name was to be called, "Prince of Peace."
a. "Joy to the world and on earth peace."
b. "Peace I leave with you..."
2. "Wherefore God hath highly exalted Him."
a. "Father glorify Me with the glory. . ."
3. He is our Savior.
a. We were lost in a world of darkness.
b. He saved us by taking the guilt of our sin and dying in our place.
c. He saved us from the fate that we deserved.
d. He saved us for eternal life with Him.
4. God is wanting and waiting to forgive your sins.
a. "God is not willing that any should perish..."
b. He has provided the way of forgiveness; all He asks you to do is
believe it, accept it.
C. God will give the Holy Spirit to those that obey Him.
1. The moment you open your life to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will come
and dwell in you.
2. The Holy Spirit is a gift from God.
a. God would not give to me a useless gift.
b. God would not give me a harmful gift.
3. Weird how some people treat God's gifts.
a. They would accept some useless gift of man graciously. Battery
operated fan to blow out birthday candles.
b. I don't want that gift. How ill-mannered weren't you listening to
your mother when she tried to train you?
A. We must obey God.
1. God.
a. No other mastership or authority.
2. Obey.
a. Not consider or hold certain views of, not defend.
3. Must.
a. Not ought or should.
b. I listen when a man says must.
c. We will imprison you if... We must.
d. We will beat you if.... We must.
4. We.
a. You may do what you choose.
B. We are his witnesses (Martis).
1. What is a witness? - Not one who merely talks.
a. I may talk and not witness --I may witness and not talk.
b. Confessor not with just lips but with life.
C. So is the Holy Spirit.
1. Acts 1: 8.
2. Without this power we can do nothing to impress our cities.