Book: Acts
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ACTS 5:20
Intro: The disciples had lust been thrown in jail. They had been gathering in Solomon's
porch at the Temple. The power of the Holy Spirit was confirming the truth of the
message they were preaching and multitudes were gathering daily to see and hear so
much so that they high priest and his henchmen arrested them and placed them in
prison. During the night an angel of the Lord let them out and instructed them to go,
stand and speak in the Temple to the people all the words of this life.
A. A life of peace.
1. So much turmoil in world today.
a. "Men's hearts failing them for fear of those things that are
coming to pass."
b. Some wonder if peace is possible.
c. Others incensed at your peace...
2. A peace that passes understanding.
3. This is often one of the first consciousness of this new life.
a. "Come unto me..."
4. A peace because I am not fighting that vain battle against God any- more.
a. My self life was opposed to God, antagonistic towards His will.
b. This tremendous force was pushing against me, I struggled to hold
it back. Finally it over-powered me and with fear I yielded tired
and helpless, I fell to my knees to accept my fate. It was love.
B. A Iife of love.
1. Love on the highest plain.
a. There is a so-called love that is not love.
1. Much hypocrisy in this area.
2. Our club is going to help the poor this Christmas. First
committee? Publicity.
2. A love that ignores age, appearance, sex.
3. There is an existential area to Christianity, this agape cannot be defined
or categorized it must be experienced.
C. A life of joy.
1. The quest of the world around you is for joy.
a. They find happiness.
b. Happiness is so elusive, just when you think you have captured it,
it is gone.
1. The once exciting experiences get stale.
2. The joy of the Lord is an abiding experience.
a. I have discovered that it increases with the years.
D. A life of confidence and assurance.
1. I know there is a plan being worked out for my life by one who is far
wiser than I.
a. "All things are working together for good."
b. "Well Lord, you really have me stumped this time, I don't know
what good could come of this."
2. Even though someone carries out a deliberate plot against you, God has a
good purpose to fulfill.
a. Joseph and his brothers.
E. A life which termination point is not the grave.
A. You must be born again.
1. You say, "you're now talking in riddles."
2. No not at all. That which is born of the flesh, is flesh.
a. Your life to this point dominated by the flesh.
b. Flesh life marked by frustration, emptiness.
3. You must be born of the spirit.
a. This life is a spirit controlled life.
4. You still haven't told me how.
B. By believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
1. "This is the record that God hath given unto us eternal life and this life
is in the Son..."
2. "That whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting
A. That others might receive this life.