Book: Acts
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ACTS 5:20
Intro: The apostles have been gathering daily on Solomon's porch of the Temple witnessing of
Jesus Christ. Thousands are gathering to hear, many are being healed. The high priest
had the apostles thrown in prison and was going to bring them to the trial the
following day. But that night the angel of the Lord released them and commanded them,
vs. 20.
A. It is much more than a creed to believe in.
1. Thousands recite the Apostles Creed each week who don't know what the
Christian life truly is.
2. Correct belief is important, but it is not valid unless it is translated
into a changed life.
3. If since becoming a Christian your life has not changed, chances are you
are not a true Christian.
a. If before accepting Jesus Christ you were fornicating and doing
drugs while listening to the Rolling Stones.
b. And now you are fornicating and doing pot while listening to
Maranatha Albums, you are not a child of God, a true Christian. you
are deceived.
B. Christianity is a life after the Spirit.
1. Your desire for God exceeds your desires for the flesh.
a. Thus, you deny your flesh to live after the Spirit.
b. "They that are in the flesh cannot please God."
2. A life after the Spirit is superior to the life of the flesh.
a. To say that and to live after the flesh is nonsense.
A. A life of peace.
1. First consciousness of new life, peace.
a. "Come unto Me, all ye..."
2. The world is filled with anxiety.
a. The way people live.
b. Watch them as they shop.
3. A peace because you are not fighting against God any more.
a. My life in the flesh was warring against God.
b. I was tired of fighting, weary of running, and I surrendered. Such
B. A life of love.
1. Love in its purest form.
a. Much that is labeled love, not love.
1. Lust.
2. Self love.
b. Our service club wants to show its love for the poor this
1. Form committees.
2. First committee often formed publicity.
2. Greatest commandment.
C. A life of Joy.
1. The world is seeking joy, but finding only happiness.
a. Happiness is so unstable.
1. The excitement of a repeated experience wanes.
b. Joy is abiding. My joy in Christ only increases with the years.
D. A life of confidence.
1. "And we know that all things work..."
a. The One who is overseeing my life far wiser.
b. He can bring good out of evil. Joseph.
E. A life which the termination point is not grave.
A. "You must be born again."
1. You must have a spiritual birth.
2. Separate and distinct from physical birth.
B. By believing into the Lord Jesus Christ.