Book: Acts
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Acts 3:25,26                        The Purpose of His Coming
                                        To Bless Us

I. God had promised Abraham that through His Seed, all of the nations of
   the world would be blessed.
        A. Peter makes reference to this promise.
        B. Paul points out that in the Hebrew the word seed was singular
           not plural, and that Seed is Christ.
        C. The whole earth had been cursed because of Adam's sin.
                1. God said to Adam, "Cursed is the ground for thy sake,
                   in sorrow you will eat of it, all the days of your
                   life. Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to
                   thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the
                   sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou
                   return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken:
                   for dust thou [art], and unto dust shalt thou return.
                2. All of the misery and sorrow that you see in the world
                   today is the result of man's sin.
                        a. You do not see the world as God created it, you
                            see a world that is under the curse because of
                        b. You do not see man living today as God intended
                           him to live, you see men living under the curse
                           of sin.
                        c. All of the suffering that you see in the world
                           today is the direct or indirect result of man's
                        d. Pain, sorrow, suffering, death have resulted
                           from the curse brought by sin.
        D. God has now promised that all the earth will be blessed through
           one of Abraham's descendants. By one man Adam, a curse came
           upon all now by one Man Jesus a blessing will be available to
        E. To the Galatians Paul declared that Christ has redeemed us from
           the curse of the law, for it is written, cursed is everyone
           that hangs on a tree.

II. Peter declared to the people that God has sent His Son to bless them.
        A. The truth is that God loves you and wants to bless you.
                1. In spite of your failures and shortcomings, He still
                   desires to bless you.
                2. This was His purpose in giving to man the law, it is
                   the secret to the life of blessing and to fail to keep
                   it will bring pain and sorrow upon your life.
                3. The Psalmist said, "Blessed is the man that walketh not
                   in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way
                   of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful,
                   but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and in the
                   law does he meditate day and night." He then tells of
                   the blessings of meditating in the law. "He shall be
                   like a tree, planted by the rivers of  water, bringing
                   forth its fruit in its season, his leaf shall not
                   wither and whatsoever he does shall prosper."
                4. Keep the law of God and you will be blessed and happy.
                   Disobey the law, and you are inviting pain and sorrow.
                5. Let's take a for instance. In the law Exodus 20:13 God
                   said, "If a man lie with a man as he lies with a woman,
                   both of them have committed an abomination, they shall
                   both die."
                        a. Some men have scorned that law, and demand that
                                         to be treated as a normal,
                           lifestyle they want it to be treated as an
                           alternate lifestyle.
                        b. Look at how Aids is decimating the           
                           community. Is it the judgment of God? I don't
                           believe so, I believe that it is just the
                           natural consequence of the unnatural practice.
                                1. When God designed the human body He
                                   built in a marvelous immune system so
                                   that the body recognizes any foreign
                                   protein that is introduced into it and
                                   builds up an immunity to protect the
                                   body from that foreign invader. This is
                                   how you fight off the flu and other
                                2. When the body is receiving scores of
                                   different foreign proteins, the immune
                                   system begins to breakdown from
                                   overwork, so that it can no longer
                                   provide adequate defenses against the
                                   different viruses.
                        c. I believe that God loves the           s just
                           as He loves any other person, He sought to warn
                           them of the consequences of the unnatural
                           practices, even as He knows the pain and sorrow
                           and breakup of the family that adultery causes,
                           and with the breakup of the family the social
                            disorder, and has warned against that form of
                           sin also.
                6. Man has broken the laws of God and is living under the
                   curse of sin, yet, God so loved the world that He sent
                   His Son to bless us by turning us away from our
                   iniquities. Look again at that Baby as He lies cradled
                   in a manger, that Baby is the Son of God come into the
                   world to turn us away from our iniquities that we might
                   be blessed of God, rather than  cursed because of our

III. Just what are some of these blessings that God wishes you to enjoy?
        A. Listen to the announcement of the angels to the shepherds.
                1. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a
                   Savior. Before He was ever born the angel said to
                   Joseph, "You shall call His name Jesus for He shall
                   save His people from their sins." His name means
                   Jehovah is salvation.
                        a. The first blessing is salvation.
                        b. Salvation from what? The consequences of our
                        c. As God has pronounced the sentence of death
                           upon all sin, that Baby is born to die that He
                           might save you from death.
                        d. What a blessing it is to know that I am no
                           longer condemned to die. There is therefore now
                           no condemnation to those who are in Christ
                2. Christ, the anointed One, Messiah.
                        a. The word Messiah means the anointed one.
                        b. It was the custom to anoint the man who would
                           reign as king over the people.
                        c. The priests were also anointed before serving
                           in the priesthood.
                        d. The Jew understood that the Messiah was God's
                           anointed One to reign as King and priest
                        e. Over and over God had spoken to the prophets of
                           the coming of the Messiah and the glories of
                           His reign.
                        f. That little baby lying there in the manger is
                           the One who the prophets for thousands of years
                           had been prophesying about for He is the
                           promised Messiah.
                3. Lord.
                        a. How we needed someone to rule over our life
                           that had our good at heart. You see, whether
                           you like it or not, you've got to serve
                        b. Satan had been ruling over man, but he is
                           intent upon destroying man. Look how
                           destructive sin is.
                        c. Those who are being ruled over by Satan are in
                           the process of being destroyed.
                        d. Those who have submitted to the rule of Jesus
                           Christ are being prepared to live forever in
                           the glory of His presence and His kingdom of
                           which there shall be no end.
                        e. That little Baby lying there in the manger is
                           the King of King and the Lord of Lords, and He
                           shall reign forever and ever.
                4. Peace on earth.
                        a. Man had been at war with God and with the law
                           of God.
                        b. The prophet had said, "Woe to him who strives
                           with His Maker."
                        c. Man had been striving with God, the Bible says
                           that we were actually enemies of God and at
                           enmity with Him.
                        d. That war with God had taken it's toll on
                           mankind. The Greeks used to say that the dice
                           of the gods are loaded. i.e. you cannot go
                           against God and possibly win.
                        e. This little child that lies in that manger has
                           come to bring to man the possibility of peace
                           with God. The scripture says, "He is our peace
                           who has broken down every wall." He can break
                           down the walls of bitterness, and hatred, and
                           strife that you have built up, and can give you
                        f. One day He said to the multitudes of people,
                           "Come unto Me, all of you that labor and are
                           heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
                5. Good will toward man.
                        a. You really cannot have good will toward man
                           until you have peace with God.
                        b. When men sign peace treaties that is not a
                           guarantee of peace, it often says, "I still
                           hate you and want to kill you, but I won't."
                             Love is the only guarantee of true peace. I
                           have come to love God thus I have peace with
                           God. I now have through God good will towards
                These are the blessings of God that have been brought to
                  man through the birth of that child in Bethlehem. But a
                 gift is not truly yours until you have received it. "But
                 as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to
                 become the sons of God, even to those who believed on His