Book: John
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John 21:1

I. "After these things Jesus shewed Himself again to the disciples."
        A. In chapter 20 John tells us of the two appearances of Jesus to
           His disciples coming one week apart.
                1. He had shown himself to individuals, but this is the
                   third time to the disciples as a group.
                2. How long after the last appearance recorded in chapter
                   20 we do not know. We do know that for a period of 40
                   days He was manifesting Himself to them on various
                   occasions and in various places.
                        a. He had instructed them to go up to the Galilee
                           region and He would meet them there.
                           Matt. 28:7
                        b. Matthew tells us that Jesus told them to meet
                           Him on a certain mountain in the Galilee, and
                           He appeared to them there.
                        c. The appearance recorded here is not given to
                           us in any chronological order so we do not
                           know if it happened before He met them on the
                           mountain, or after.
                        d. We do know that they returned to Jerusalem
                           possibly for the feast of Pentecost, and about
                           ten days before the feast, Jesus appeared for
                           the last time prior to His ascension.
                        e. It was then that they were instructed to wait
                           in Jerusalem for the baptism of the Holy
                        f. It would seem that they then for the most part
                           remained in Jerusalem, and there was the
                           headquarters of the early church.
                        g. I find it interesting that there is no mention
                           of any continued work in the Galilee region.
                           The book of Acts is strangely silent. This is
                           not to say that it did not happen, only there
                           is no record. Perhaps it is because of the
                           curse that Jesus put on many of the cities in
                           that region for their unbelief. Capernaum,
                           Chorazin, Bethsaida were all singled out for
                           His woes for the coming judgment.

II. This is how He showed Himself.
        A. Seven of the eleven disciples were together at the sea and
           they are named.
                1. Simon Peter. His given name was Simon which is the
                   Greek for the Hebrew Shemeon. He was named Petros by
                   Jesus after His confession that Jesus was the Christ
                   the Son of the living God. Petros is little stone in
                   contrast to Petra which is massive rock.
                2. Thomas called Didymus or twin.
                3. Nathanael of Cana of Galilee. The one that was
                   witnessed to by Philip, and brought to Jesus.
                4. The Sons of Zebedee which would be James and John.
                5. Two unnamed disciples.
        B. Simon Peter saith unto them, "I'm going fishing."
                1. Perhaps this was before Jesus appeared to them on the
                2. It may be that they had waited for a few days for
                   Jesus to show up, and Simon Peter is getting a little
                3. Whether or not this is said as sort of a finality,
                   like I'm giving up on this discipleship thing, and
                   going back to my old means of livelihood, or just as
                   a suggestion to pass the time, "Let's go fishing."
                   kind of a suggestion is not given to us to know only
                   to speculate.
                        a. We see however the leadership characteristics
                           that are innate in Peter for immediately the
                           other 6 said, "We'll go with you."
                        b. Could it be that Peter was turning His back
                           on the call of Jesus to leave his nets and
                           become a fisher of men?
                        c. The ensuing discussion with Jesus might cause
                           one to be inclined toward that opinion.
        B. "And that night they caught nothing."
                1. When God has called you to leave the nets and follow
                   Him, you cannot really hope to have much success in
                   other endeavors.
                2. There is nothing more exciting that fishing when and
                   where they are biting.
                3. There is nothing more boring than fishing when they
                   are not biting.
                4. Maybe my wife is right and I fit the wiggly willie
                   profile, but I can't stand to just sit with a line in
                   the water waiting for the fish to come and take my
                   bait. I can handle fly fishing, or plug fishing, or
                5. It was still early spring, and out on the sea at night
                   can get chilly.
        C. "When the morning had now come, Jesus was standing on the
           shore, but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus."
                1. He called to them, "Children do you have any meat?"
                   or "Did you catch anything?" This is such a typical
                   question to ask a fisherman.
                2. Now Jesus knew that they had not caught anything, He
                   was just giving them a chance to confess their
                3. He had told them that apart from Him, they could do
                   nothing. They were trying to do something apart from
                4. He asked the question not for His information, but to
                   give them an opportunity to confess their failure.
                5. The Lord wants us to confess our sins. This gives to
                   Him the opportunity to then deal with them.
        D. They answered, "No."
                1. He now told them to cast the nets on the right side of
                   the ship and they would find.
                2. Many times the distance from failure to success is
                   very close.
                3. Many times the only difference between failure and
                   success is directed service and non directed service.
                        a. On his own Peter said, "I'm going fishing."
                           With all his experience, knowledge and skill,
                           he caught nothing.
                        b. Now Jesus is directing his activities. Jesus
                           is guiding his service.
                        c. What a difference it makes. The difference
                           between total failure, and complete success.
                        d. Notice how confident Jesus is of their
                           success, "And you shall find."
                4. They followed His instructions and immediately the net
                   was full of large fish, so much so that they were
                   unable to pull the net into the ship because of the
                   number of fish.
                        a. This is a fisherman's dream. Big fish, plenty
                           of them.
                        b. John the man quick of perception, immediately
                           said, "It is the Lord."
                        c. He realized that this kind of dramatic change
                           from failure to success could only be
                           attributable to one person, and that was
                        d. Perhaps this took him back to the time when
                           they were first attracted to Jesus. Jesus had
                           borrowed Peter's boat the morning after a
                           fruitless night of fishing. After Jesus had
                           addressed the multitude, he told Peter to cast
                           out into the deep and let down his nets for a
                           draft. Peter accommodatingly said, "We have
                           fished all night and have caught nothing,
                           nevertheless at your word we will do it.
                        e. As Peters ship began to sink with the numbers
                           of fish, he called out to James and John on the
                           shore to come out in their ship and join him in
                           the great haul of fish.
                        f. It was de ja vue.
                5. Here again John rightly described himself as that
                   disciple whom Jesus loved.
                        a. The truth is, Jesus loves all of His disciples.
                        b. The problem is, not all of His disciples
                           realize this.
                6. "Now when Spmon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he
                   girt his fisher's coat unto him, for he was naked, and
                   did casth  himself into the sea."
                        a. Here again true to form impeteous Peter cannot
                           wait to get into the row boat to get to Jesus
                           but grabs his coat and dives in and swims to
                           shore to meet Jesus.
                        b. I love this impulsive guy.
                        c. I love those men who are ready and anxious to
                           launch out on any endeavor for Jesus.