Book: John
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John 20:15
I. "Simon son of Jonas, lovest thou Me more than these?"
A. Jesus has some unfinished business with Peter.
1. In the hour of great trial, Peter failed the Lord.
2. There is nothing more discouraging than failing in our
time of testing.
a. Especially when you had confidence that you
were above the temptation.
b. You lose some of your self confidence.
c. You begin to wonder if the Lord will ever use
you or trust you again.
3. After they had dined, Jesus addressed Peter.
B. In the question we do not know what the (these) are.
1. Here is where it would be convenient if we had a
video. We could then see what Jesus was pointing at or
perhaps nodding towards.
2. One of the difficulties in scripture is that the tone
of voice is not given, and many times that leaves us
free to interpret what was really said or meant.
a. You can say harsh things in a joking way.
b. Much is implied by the tone of voice.
c. When God said to Adam, "Adam, where art
thou?" what tone of voice did God use?
d. When Jesus said to the Syrophonician woman,
"It isn't right to take the children's bread
and give it to the dogs." What was the tone
of voice?
C. Was the these, the net full of fish?
1. Peter had been called to leave his nets and follow
Jesus who promised to make him a fisher of men.
2. Was Peter's declaration "I'm going fishing." a
turning of his back on the call of Jesus, hence the
"Do you love Me more than these?"
3. Do you love Me more than success in your chosen
D. Was the these the other disciples?
1. When Jesus had announced to the disciples that all of
them would be offended because of Him, Peter had
responded, "Lord, though they may all be offended, I
will never be offended."
a. In a sense, Peter was declaring that he loved
the Lord more than the others.
b. Peter, do you still maintain that your love for
Me exceeds that of the others?
E. Here is where I believe that the Lord deliberately leaves us
without a positive answer. For in all of our lives there is a
1. With some it might be one thing, with others something
else, but there is a these in all of our lives.
2. That thing or interest, that rivals for my supreme
3. The question then becomes applicable to all of us.
II. The question "Lovest thou Me." The word lovest is the Greek agapas.
Which is a supreme love.
A. This is the kind of love that Jesus professed to have for us.
"Greater love (agapen) has no man than this, that a man lay
down his life for his friends.
B. This the kind of love that we are to have for God. "Thou shalt
love (Agape) the Lord thy God with all of thy heart, with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind."
C. There are other Greek words translated love.
1. Eros, love on the physical level.
2. Phileo, love on the emotional level. To be fond of, to
have an attraction toward.
a. Philadelphia, phileo adelphos
b. The word kiss is philema.
D. Thus the use of the word agapas by Jesus is calling for the
deepest love.
E. Peter answered Him, "Yes Lord, you know that I love you." Now
did not use the word, agape, but the Greek word, philo, I have
affection for Thee.
F. Jesus responded, "Feed My lambs." The Greek word for feed is
(bosko) which is to feed. The lambs would denote the younger
G. Jesus said unto him the second time, "Simon, son of Jonas,
lovest thou Me?" This is the very same question.
H. Peter answered with the very same answer.
I. However this time when Jesus said, "Feed My sheep." Jesus used
a different Greek word translated feed. The Greek word
poimaheeno, which is to shepherd, or tend, or watch over.
The Greek word sheep is the more mature flock.
J. He saith to him the third time, "Simon son of Jonas, lovest
thou Me?"
1. This third time Jesus used Peter's word, phileis. Do
you have affection for Me?
2. Now Peter was grieved because the third time Jesus
said, "Phileis"
a. He was grieved because he brought Christ down
to his level, rather than be raised to His
level. It is always a time of grieving when
we force Jesus down to our level.
b. Why would Peter not confess the supreme love
for Jesus?
1. Perhaps because he had led the
defection of the followers of Jesus.
2. It was Peter that said, "I'm going
3. Jesus had said, "He that hath My
commandments and keepeth them, he it
is that loveth, (agapown) Me."
4. In going fishing, Peter was not
keeping His commandments.
K. Peter answered, "Lord, You know all things, and You know that I
am fond of you." Peter stuck with his word even though it hurt.
1. It should be noted that when Peter wrote his first
epistle he said, "Whom having not seen you love." There
he uses the agapas.
I. Jesus answered, "Feed my sheep" Feed My mature flock.
1. The greatest task of the overseer of the flock who
truly loves his Lord is to watch over, tend, and feed
the flock of God.
2. In Jeremiah 3:15 God promised to give them pastors
after His heart that would feed them with knowledge
and understanding.
3. There are multitudes of sick sheep in the church today
because they have not been fed a nourishing diet.
4. God told Ezekiel to prophesy against the shepherds in
"Woe unto the shepherds that feed themselves and not
the flock."
5. Again in Peters epistle we read,
1PE 5:1 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder,
and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker
of the glory that shall be revealed:
1PE 5:2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight
[thereof], not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy
lucre, but of a ready mind;
1PE 5:3 Neither as being lords over [God's] heritage, but being
ensamples to the flock.
1PE 5:4 And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a
crown of glory that fadeth not away.