Book: John
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John 17:10
I. "All mine are thine, and thine are mine."
A. This is another claim for equality and unity with the Father.
1. What is mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.
2. This is a way that marriage is supposed to be. It is
not yours or mine, it is ours.
a. There are times where I make a semantic error,
and when my wife asks me how I am going to get
there, I respond, I respond that I am going to
drive my car. She will say, "Whose car?" Of
course the answer is our car.
b. The Bible speaks concerning marriage, "And the
two shall become one."
c. This is known as a compound unity.
d. The Godhead is a compound unity.
B. He is talking to the Father concerning the men that the Father
had given to Him out of the world.
1. We belonged to the Father, and the Father has given us
to the His Son so the Father did not lose them by
giving them to the Son, for they still belonged to the
Father. "All Mine are Thine."
3. You Fathers may walk down the aisle with that beautiful
young lady by your side, and when the minister asks,
"And who gives this woman to be married to this man?"
you may respond, "Her mother and I." Though you have
given her in marriage to that young man standing there,
she will cease being your daughter.
4. It should also be this way in the things that God has
given you. They should still belong to Him. To squander
them on ourselves is to violate the things that God has
entrusted to us.
C. "And I am glorified in them."
1. Notice the preposition, it is not by them, but here it
is in them.
2. How is Christ glorified in you?
a. As Paul is writing to the Galatians, he speaks
of how when they heard that the one who was
once persecuting the church was now preaching
the gospel, he declared, "And they glorified
God in me."
b. The root of the Greek word for glorified is
Doxa, which is to praise, we sing the doxology
c. As Jesus is glorified in us, others will be
lead to praise Him for what He has done in us.
d. The idea is also to be exalted.
e. Paul speaks to the Thessolonians of the day
when Jesus is coming to be glorified in all His
saints, and to be admired in all who believe
in Him. He also prayed for them that our Lord
Jesus Christ might be glorified in all of them.
f. God was glorified in Jesus by the complete
obedience of Jesus to His will.
3. Sometimes people bring a reproach on the name of Jesus
a. They represented themselves as Christians, and
then they cheated a person, or ripped someone
off. The name of Jesus is cursed or reproached
because of them.
b. May we seek to so live that the name of Jesus
will be glorified.
II. "And now, I am no more in the world."
A. John tells us that He was in the world, and the world was made
by Him, but the world knew Him not.
1. He was as a stranger in the very world that He created.
2. He was looked upon as an alien.
3. He had come to a world that had gone so far from God
that they did not even recognize God when He came.
4. He came to a world who had crowned another as prince,
even Satan himself.
B. He had made it clear to His disciples that He was going to be
leaving this world and where He was going they could not come
C. He told them that in a short while the world would see Him no
D. He then told them that He was going to the Father, and if they
loved Him they would rejoice.
E. He told them that He was leaving this world and going to the
F. His ministry to the world has come to a close.
1. No more will he be walking around the villages healing
all their sick.
2. No more will the multitudes hear His voice as He speaks
to them of the kingdom of God.
G. "But these are in the world."
1. Living in an alien world without Him by their side is
not going to be easy.
2. Living in a world in rebellion against it's creator is
going to be very hard for them.
3. The world is going to hate them and persecute them.
4. The world is going to imprison them and even kill some
of them.
F. His two requests for them.
1. "Keep through Your own name, those You have given Me."
a. "The name Jehovah is a strong tower, the
righteous runneth into it and is safe."
b. The name of God expresses the character of God.
Jehovah, Jehovah God Merciful, gracious,
longsuffering, abundant in goodness and truth.
c. Keep them in your mercy and grace. Be
longsuffering and forgiving, and let them know
Your goodness and truth.
2. "That they may be one, as we are."
a. One of the great desires and prayers of Jesus
for His church is that we might be one.
b. The Bible tells us that God hates those who sow
discord among brethren.
c. Paul called upon the Romans to mark those who
caused divisions.
d. Paul rebuked the Corinthians for the divisions
that had developed in the body of Christ their
in Corinth.
e. To the Ephesian church Paul speaks of the
oneness of those in the body of Christ.
EPH 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of
EPH 4:4 [There is] one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called
in one hope of your calling;
EPH 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
EPH 4:6 One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through
all, and in you all.
f. Notice one as We are. Again the compound unity.
Many members, one body.
g. We need to come to an acceptance of the whole
body, and realize that God has a purpose for
each part of the body.
h. It is so easy to get the feeling that we are
the best, or we are the only true, or are the
most spiritual.
i. My way is best for me, but it may not be the
best for someone else.
j. So other parts of the Body do not have the same
function that God has called us to perform.
That does not make us superior to them of
better than them. It just means that we have a
different function.
k. Let us learn to accept the differences, and
learn to even appreciate the differences.
l. People do not have to believe as you do, think
as you do or ever agree with you.
m. Divisions come when we try to force others into
our molds.