Book: John
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Johns 17:4

I. "I have glorified You upon the earth."
        A. How did Jesus glorify the Father?
                1. At the birth of Jesus the angels declared, "Glory to
                   God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill
                   toward man."
                2. He brought glory to God through His works.
                        a. When they brought the man in a cot to Jesus and
                           let him down through the roof, Jesus said,
                           "Your sins are forgiven." The Pharisee's
                           objected declaring that only God had the power
                           to forgive sins. Jesus then said what is easier
                           to say, your sins are forgiven, or rise, take
                           up your bed and walk. But that you may know
                           that the Son of Man has power on earth to
                           forgive sins He said to the man, take up your
                           bed and walk. The result of this miracle was
                           when the multitude saw this they marveled and
                           glorified God. Matt. 9:8
                        b. When Jesus was sitting on a mountain side near
                           the Sea of Galilee, and they brought to him
                           multitudes of people who were lame, blind,
                           mute, and maimed, and He healed them all, the
                           crowds wondered when they saw the mute
                           speaking, and the blind seeing and the maimed
                           being made whole, and they glorified the God of
                           Israel. Matt. 15: 31
                        c. When Jesus and His disciples came to the city
                           and they met a funeral procession coming out of
                           the city, carrying in a casket the only son of
                           a widow, Jesus stopped the procession and
                           commanded the dead boy to arise, and he sat
                           up and began to speak, we read that a great
                           fear came upon all the people and they
                           glorified God and declared that a great prophet
                           has risen among us and that God had visited His
                           people. Luke 7:16
                        d. When Jesus met the woman that was bent double
                           from her waist, when He laid His hands on her
                           she was made straight, and she glorified God.
                           Luke 13:13
                        e. When Jesus healed the ten lepers, one of them
                           turned back and glorified God with a loud
                           voice. Luke 17:15
                        f. At the crucifixion of Jesus when the sky turned
                           dark and the earth shook, and the rocks were
                           split, the Centurion glorified God, and
                           declared, truly this was a righteous man.
                B. Jesus is our example that we should walk in His steps.
                        1. The purpose of our lives is to glorify God.
                        2. The purpose of our redemption is that we might
                           be to praise of the glory of His grace.
                        3. How do we glorify God?
                                a. "Let your light so shine before men,
                                   that when they see your good works they
                                   will glorify your Father which is in
                                b. Jesus said that the Father is glorified
                                   as we bear much fruit. John 15:8
                                c. By being filled with the fruits of
                                   righteousness which are by Jesus Christ
                                   to the praise and glory of God.
                                   Phil. 1:11
                                d. By living a honest life before the
                                   heathen, that even though they speak
                                   against you, that they by your good
                                   works that they see, glorify God.
                        4. Paul declares that we are not our own, we have
                           been bought with a price, therefore we are to
                           glorify God in our bodies, and our spirits
                           which are His. I Co. 6:20
                        5. Paul declares that we Gentiles should glorify
                           God for His Mercy.
                C. Some live to bring glory to themselves.
                        1. Each of us live for the glory of God or for our
                           own glory.
                        2. Jesus spoke of how the Pharisee's were seeking
                           the glory of men.
                        3. Jesus had the opportunity to receive all the
                           glory of the world. Satan had offered it to
                           Him. He chose rather to glorify the Father.
                        4. Jesus declared that He didn't seek His own
                        5. In the church in Corinth some were saying, I am
                           of Peter others I am of Apollos, still others,
                           I am of Paul. Paul wrote to them saying let no
                           man glory in men.
                        6. Whether we are eating or drinking, or whatever
                           we do we are to do all for the glory of God.
                D. Is my life bring glory to God?

II. I have finished the work that You gave Me to do.
        A. When Jesus was just 12 years old, He had a sense of mission.
           When He was discovered to be missing when the family was
           returning to Nazareth after the feast, and they sought for Him
           until they found Him in the Temple sitting with the Doctors of
           the law, listening to them and asking them questions, to the
           scolding of His parents, he replied, "Did you not realize that
           I would be about My Father's business?"
                1. He later in life said that He did not come to do His
                   own will but the will of Him who sent Him.
                2. When Jesus had come to a city of the Samaritans with
                   His disciples and they had gone into the village to buy
                   some food and the woman came to draw water, after the
                   episode when the people had finally left, His disciples
                   offered Him some of the food, and He answered, "I have
                   meat that you know not of, for My meat is to do the
                   will of the Father and to finish His work."
                3. When the Jews sought to kill Him for healing of the
                   Sabbath day in John 5 He responded to them, "My Father
                   is working today, and I work today."
                4. Also in John 5 He was speaking of how that John the
                   Baptist bore witness of Him, but He declared that He
                   had an even greater witness, and that the works that
                   the Father had given Him to finish, they also testified
                   of Him.
                5. In John 9:4 He said, "I must do the works of Him who
                   sent Me while it is day, for the night is coming when
                   no man can work."
                6. John tells us that while Jesus was hanging on the
                   cross, He cried, "I thirst." And a soldier dipped a
                   sponge in some vinegar and put it to His lips, and when
                   He tasted of the vinegar, He said, "It is finished."
        B. What is this work of the Father that He came to finish.
                1. The work of redeeming mankind from sin.
                2. The Old Testament sacrifices could not put away sin,
                   they only covered sin.
                        a. Heb. 10:4 For it is not possible that the blood
                           of bulls or goats could take away sin.
                        b. The Hebrew word Kophar translated atonement, is
                           better translated cover. The sacrifices did not
                           take away the sin only covered it.
                3. The Old Testament saints could not come into the
                   perfected state until the finished work of redemption
                   through Jesus Christ.
                4. Peter said that we are not redeemed with corruptible
                   things such as silver or gold, from our empty lives,
                   but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ who was
                   slain as a lamb without spot or blemish.
        C. The work of creation was finished in six days, and on the
           seventh day God rested from the work of creation, not that He
           was tired, but the work was finished.
        D. The work of redemption was finished when Jesus cried from the
           cross "It is finished." and He said, "Father,into Your hands I
           commend My Spirit." and He bowed His head, and dismissed His
        E. God has still unfinished business on this earth. The business
           of God is to bring men to the redemption that has been provided
           for them through His Son.
                1. God has called upon us to help finish His work.
                2. He has a commission for each of us.
                3. Paul at the end of his life could write Timothy and
                   declare, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished
                   the course, I have kept, the faith, henceforth there is
                   laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord
                   our righteous judge shall give but not to me only, but
                   to all those who do love His appearing."