Book: John
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John 16:26
I. "At that day"
A. Which day?
1. Vs. 23 He declared, "In that day, you shall ask Me
a. The Greek word for ask is the word used for
asking a question.
b. The disciples had been asking Him many
c. He is probably referring back to the statement
that when the Holy Spirit came, He would teach
them all things, and would guide them into all
2. There is another Greek word translated ask and this is
to askas in a petition. He used this word when He
said, "Whatsoever you shall ask the Father in My name,
He will give it to you."
B. The time is coming.
1. "When I shall no longer speak to you in proverbs, or
dark sayings, it could even be translated parables, but
I shall show you plainly of the Father."
C. In that day, that is the day when you have a better
understanding of the Father, and you shall ask in My name, I do
not say that I will pray the Father for you.
1. Back in chapter 14 He had told them that He would pray
to the Father that He might give to them another
Comforter that He may abide with them forever.
2. Now He is declaring that the day will come when they
ask, the Father for something in His name, I do not say
that I will pray to the Father for you.
D. "For the Father Himself loves you."
1. This should put to rest once and for all, the idea of
the intercession of the saints, or the intercession of
2. Jesus is saying that because of the loving relationship
you will have with the Father, you will not need for
Him to intercede for you.
3. Why did the Father love them?
a. Because they loved His Son.
b. Because they believed that He came out from
c. One of the quickest ways to my heart is to love
my children.
d. A favor done for my child is done for me.
e. An injury done to my child is done to me.
4. Why did they believe that He came out from God?
a. Because He knew all things, and did not need
for someone to tell Him about another. 30
b. When Jesus first met Nathanael He said, "Behold
an Israelite in whom there is no guile."
Nathanael said, "How do you know me?" Jesus
answered, before Philip called you, I saw you
sitting under the fig tree." Nathanael said,
"Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are the
King of Israel."
c. John 2:25 tells us that Jesus did not need for
anyone to tell him about another man, for He
knew man, and knew what was in man.
d. Nicodemus who came to Him by night said,
"Rabbi, we know that you have come from God,
for no man can do the miracles that you do
unless God is with Him."
II. The great proclamation of Jesus. "I came forth from the Father, and
have come into the world; again, I leave the world, and go to the
A. I came forth from the Father.
1. John tells us, "In the beginning was the word, and the
word was with God and the word was God. The same was in
the beginning with God. And the Word became flesh and
dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory as the only
begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
2. I have come into the world. Paul said in Philippians
"He was in the form of God, and thought it not
something to be grasped to be equal with God, yet He
made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Himself,
the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of
man. And being fashioned as a man, He humbled Himself,
and became obedient unto death, even the death of the
B. I am leaving the world.
1. By way of the cross, He will soon be leaving the world.
2. How manifestly wrong it has been for the church
traditionally to blame the Jews for the crucifixion of
Jesus. This is something that had to be done to fulfill
the prophesies of the Messiah.
a. When Daniel predicted the coming of the Messiah
483 years after the commandment to restore and
rebuild the city of Jerusalem, he then declared
that the Messiah would be cut off, without
receiving the kingdom.
b. When Isaiah prophesied of the Messiah He
declared, "He is despised and rejected of men,
and Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our
sorrows, He was wounded for our transgressions,
and bruised for our iniquities, and the
chastisement of our peace was upon Him. He was
brought as a lamb to the slaughter, He was cut
off from the land of the living, God cried,
"For the transgression of My people was He
stricken." The prophet went on to declare "You
have made His soul and offering for sin."
c. That is why when Peter addressed the men of
Israel, he did not try to put upon them a guilt
trip for the crucifixion of Jesus, but
declared, "You through the determinate counsel,
and foreknowledge of God have crucified and
3. He will have soon accomplished His mission, and He will
be leaving this world to return to the Father.
a. Back in 13:1 at the beginning of this session
with His disciples, John writes an introduction
to this portion declaring, "Now before the
feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that His
hour had come when He should depart out of this
world unto the Father.
b. In verse 3 he declared concerning Jesus. "Jesus
knowing that the Father had given all things
into His hands and He came from God and was
going to God."
c. In 14:28 Jesus said to the disciples, I told
you that I am going away, and will come to you
again, if you loved Me you would rejoice
because, I said that I am going to the Father.
C. With this the disciples responded, "Now you are speaking unto
us plainly, and not in dark sayings."
1. Now we are sure that you know all things.
2. Now we believe that you came forth from God.
D. Jesus asked, "Now do you believe?"
1. They had just affirmed their belief.
2. The belief is soon to be severely tested.
3. The hour is soon coming when you will be scattered to
your own place of safety and leave Me alone.
a. Here again He is demonstrating the fact that He
knew all things.
b. Their newly declared belief in Him is to be
tested, and they will fail the test. You will
desert Me.
c. Even though you will fail, the Father loves
4. He quickly affirmed that He was not really alone, for
the Father is with Him.
E. He now closes this discourse with them that began back in
chapter 13, with these words. "These things have I spoken unto
you that you might have peace."
1. In chapter 14 He said, Let not your heart be troubled,
you believe in God, believe also in Me.
2. He said, Peace, I leave with you, My peace I give unto
you, not as the world gives give I to you, let not your
hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid.
3. What are the things that are to bring them peace in the
coming hours of darkness and uncertainty?
a. His declaration to them that the Father loved
b. This always brings peace to my heart.
c. My situations often bring me stress and
distress, especially my failures in the times
of testing, but when I remember that God loves
me, I have peace.
4. In this world, you will have tribulation.
a. As I was saying Sunday, you are really a misfit
here on this planet.
b. The world does not like it that you do not go
along with their liberal bent.
c. Your living a righteous life irritates and
convicts them.
d. He had told them in this discourse that the
world would hate them because it hated Him.
That they would be persecuted by the world.
e. The word tribulation comes from the instrument
that they used to beat the wheat to separate
the wheat from the chaff. The world will
buffet you.
5. What should be my attitude in the face of this
a. "Be of good cheer."
b. God loves you, and Jesus has overcome the
c. He was not conquered by the world in His death,
but through death, He conquered the forces that
controlled the world. He spoiled the
principalities and powers triumphing over them
by His cross and making an open