Book: John
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JOHN 16:24
Intro: Christianity is unlike any other religion in that it not only declares the ethic, but
promises to infuse the ethic by the indwelling presence of the author. This is the
final message of Jesus to His disciples before His crucifixion, His subjects are love,
joy, peace. In the face of the cross He speaks of My love, My joy, My peace.
A. Difference between joy and happiness.
1. Happiness is a pleasant mental state.
a. The world speaks much about happiness.
1. Happiness is:
2. Some pretty bizarre ideas of what constitutes happiness.
b. The world pursues and experiences happiness.
c. Happiness is dependent upon pleasant surroundings.
1. Your boss may say, "I have a couple of things to say to
you, I'm giving you a raise in pay. You are not worth what
I am paying you, now you're fired."
2. Joy is a pleasant spiritual state.
a. The world knows nothing of true joy.
b. Joy cannot be found by direct pursuit.
1. It is the by-product of a right relationship with God.
c. It is independent of outward circumstances.
1. Paul's letter to the Philippians.
2. No circumstances could be more bleak than those facing
Jesus at this moment.
B. The fullness of joy here related to our prayer life.
1. In Chapter 15 He relates it to our abiding in Him.
2. In John's first epistle, He relates it to our fellowship with the Father
and the Son.
3. What great joy can be experienced in prayer when we see them answered.
C. What does Jesus teach here concerning prayer?
1. That it is to be addressed to the Father.
a. "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father."
b. "Ye shall ask Me nothing."
2. That it is to be asked in the name of Jesus.
a. It is only through Jesus we have access to the Father. "No man
comes to the..."
b. There is tremendous power in the name of Jesus.
1. Lame man at Tempe, "In the name of Jesus Christ rise up and
2. As Peter explained to the people, "And His name, through
faith in His name, has made his strong."
3. As Peter explained to the rulers, "By the name of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth."
3. We must ask. Ask, please ask, that you may receive.