Book: John
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JOHN 16:7-11
Intro: "The Comforter was sent into the world to help us. He convicts us of our sin, draws us
to Jesus as the only answer, then gives us the power to live a victorious life.
A. Sin is a killer.
1. It killed man's relationship with God.
2. "In the day thou eatest thereof..."
3. "God's hand is not short."
4. The purpose of man's creation was that he might fellowship with God.
a. Thus, a man living in sin is living a purpose-less life.
b. I heard that there is a tombstone that reads, "Since I was so soon
done for, I wonder what I was begun for."
1. Many people wonder what they were "begun for."
2. Until you surrender your life to Jesus Christ, you will
never know.
B. We are prone to think of sin as the horrible overt acts violating the ten
1. With our dulled senses we are still shocked by some of the more bizarre
murders or child abuse cases.
2. We think when we read of them, they deserve Hell.
C. Jesus said, "The Spirit will reprove of sin because they believe not on."
1. The most damning of all sins is the rejection of Jesus Christ.
a. God has made one provision whereby He might forgive your sins.
b. To reject that provision is fatal.
1. "He that hath the Son hath life."
2. All sins were covered by the death of Jesus Christ except one.
a. "The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son..."
b. "God laid on Him the iniquities of us all."
c. The only sin not covered is the rejection of Him.
3. When talking to Nicodemus, Jesus said, "For God sent not His Son into the
world to . . ."
A. Men possess varying standards of righteousness.
1. Many good men striving to live a righteous life.
a. They become involved in community and charitable projects.
b. They pride themselves in fairness and honesty.
2. These men often difficult to reach with gospel.
a. They have so much pride in themselves, they feel no need.
b. They will pull out the scrap book and show you all the awards.
c. I am not downing these men, I am glad they live in my community.
d. All I am saying is, it will take more than that to get them into
the Kingdom of Heaven.
B. "Of righteousness because I go to My Father."
1. The ascension of Jesus into heaven was God's witness to the world, this is
the righteousness I will accept.
A. We think of great white throne judgment where all the dead, small and great, must
appear before God.
B. The judgment seat of Christ where we shall receive our rewards.
C. "Because the prince of this world is judged."
1. The cross spelled Satan's defeat, his power over.
the believer was stripped.
2. You no longer need to be bound by your sin.
3. Christ spoiled the powers of darkness by the cross.