Book: John
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JOHN 15:1-12
Intro: The Christian has a unique relationship with his Lord: Other religions may offer high
ideals, only Christianity offers the capacity to attain.
A. The purpose of the branch is to bear fruit.
1. God looks upon me with a two-fold desire.
a. What He can do for me.
b. What He can do through me.
2. Ideally as much fruit as possible.
a. As the fruit begins to develop He purges the branch that it might
bear more fruit.
1. This purge misinterpreted prune.
2. it is to wash and cleanse.
b. This cleansing comes from the Word.
1. "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?"
2. "Now ye are clean through the Word."
3. The Father is glorified when I bring forth "much fruit."
4. What is the fruit of the Christian life?
a. LOVE "But the fruit of the Spirit . . ."
1. Love for God.
2. Love for one another.
b. We have often considered evangelism.
1. The love creates the true motive of evangelism. "For the
love of Christ . . ."
5. Who is benefitted by the fruit.
a. God, fruit primarily for Him.
1. God is love.
2. He originally created man in His image.
a. Man has fallen far.
b. He now seeks to recreate us.
b. The world around us.
1. Ye are the salt of the earth.
2. Ye are the light of the world.
c. I benefit from the fruit, by a fullfilling life.
B. The resources for the branch in the vine.
1. The branch has no capacity apart from the vine.
a. It cannot bear fruit by itself.
1. This is where reform programs fail.
2. This is where other religions fall short.
b. Cut off from the vine it withers and dies.
c. "Apart from Me you can do nothing."
2. I have no life in myself.
3. I do not have to strain to receive life.
4. I do not have to worry about processes, just hang in there.
5. I know my resources are sufficient.
a. Scripture speaks often of ability of God.
1. "Now unto Him who is able. . ."
2. "For I know who I have believed . . ."
b. All that I need and more He provides.
A. "If ye keep my commandments ye shall abide in my love."
1. "This is my commandment that ye love one another as I d you."
A. A fruitful life.
B. A fulfilling life.
C. A joyful life.