Book: John
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John 14:25

I. "These things have I spoken to you being yet present with you."
        A. He has told them that He is going away, and that where He
           is going they cannot follow now, but will follow later.
                1. He has told them that He is going to His Father's house
                   to prepare a place for them that where He is they may
                   be also.
                2. While He is still present with them He has told them
                   these things.
        B. He will soon be gone, and in His place He will pray the Father
           to send them another Comforter, even the Spirit of truth that
           would abide with them forever.
        C. Now He declares, "But the Comforter which is the Holy Spirit,
           which the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all
           things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I
           have said unto you."
                1. Here Jesus now identifies just who this Comforter is,
                   it is the Holy Spirit.
                2. He is the One who will be coming alongside of them to
                   help them.
        D. He will not be speaking to them as in the past, but now the
           Holy Spirit will be the One that will be commanding them.
                1. In Acts 1:1,2. The former treatise have I made, O
                   Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and
                   teach, until the day in which He was taken up, after
                   that, He through the Holy Spirit had given commandments
                   unto the apostles.
                2. The works and teaching of Jesus will continue to His
                   disciples only not through the person of the Holy
                3. The Holy Spirit is now to teach them all things.
                        a. In I John 2:28 he wrote, "But the anointing
                           which you have received of Him abideth in you,
                           and you need not that any man should teach you,
                           but the same anointing teaches you of all
                           things.  He teaches us that we should continue
                           in the Son and in the Father, and that we
                           should abide in Him.
                        b. The natural man cannot understand the things of
                           the Spirit neither can He know them for they
                           are spiritually discerned. But he that is
                           spiritual understandeth all things.
                        c. This is why we so often get frustrated trying
                           to explain the things of the Spirit to a
                           natural man. We cannot understand why they
                           cannot see it.
                        d. The only reason that you can see it is that the
                           Holy Spirit has opened your eyes to the truth.
        E. The Spirit will also bring to their remembrance all of the
           things that He said unto them.
                1. They say that our brain stores in it's memory banks all
                   of our past accumulated knowledge, the problem is with
                   the recall.
                2. I am amazed at how much information the brain is able
                   to store, and how a certain stimulus is able to bring
                   to the consciousness a flood of memories. 
                3. I am certain that all of you have experienced that work
                   of the Holy Spirit in your life, as He has brought to
                   you remembrance some passage of scripture that you did
                   not even know that you had memorized.
                4. I am impressed that often you may not remember the
                   scripture verbatim, but the thought or idea is there.
                        a. In Acts two, as Peter is making reference to a
                           Psalm, he does not quote it verbatim, but 
                           brings out the essential truth.
                        b. Peter in Acts 2:28 he is referring to Psalm
                           16:11 and quotes, Thou hast made known to me
                           the ways of life: thou shalt make me full of
                           joy with Thy countenance. The actual Psalm
                           reads, Thou wilt show me the path of life, in
                           thy presence is fullness of joy, and at thy
                           right hand, their are pleasures forevermore.
                        c. It is not necessary to have the quotation
                           exact. One of the advantages of having so many
                           new translations, we no longer feel bound to
                           the exact language of the King James text. We
                           have come to realize that He is the Spirit of
                           truth, not of chapter and verse.

II. "Peace I leave with you."
        A. This is sort of the last bequest of Jesus to His disciples.
           This glorious characteristic we call peace.
                1. In a world that is filled with strife, how men today
                   are longing for peace, but it seems to be such an
                   illusive commodity.
                2. No sooner does the threat of Russia seem to disappear
                   that the Muslim states begin to rattle their sabres,
                   and our relationship with China begins again to
                3. People find strife in their home, in their jobs, almost
                   everywhere you turn.
        B. "My peace I give unto you."
                1. How Jesus exemplified peace.
                        a. I think of the excitement and frenzy of the
                           disciples when their little ship seemed to be
                           sinking on the sea of Galilee. Where was
                           Jesus? Asleep in the back of the boat.
                        b. The Bible speaks of the peace of Christ which
                           passes all understanding.
                        c. That is the peace that Jesus said He would give
                           to His disciples. "My peace, I give unto you."
                2. The Bible speaks of peace with God. This takes place
                   when you surrender to God and are no longer at war with
                3. Then the Bible speaks of the peace of God. This is when
                   that peace which is a part of the character of God is
                   imparted to you.
                4. Many people who have come to a place of peace with God,
                   have not yet come to experience the peace of God.
                5. One of the names of the Messiah was to be, "Prince of
                6. The angels announced to the shepherds at His birth,
                   "Peace on earth, good will towards man."
                7. Throughout the New Testament especially in the
                   epistles, there was the salutation of grace and peace.
        C. "Not as the world giveth, give I to you."
                1. When the world gives something, you can always know
                   that there are strings attached.
                2. Whenever there is something being offered free, you
                   learn to read the fine print.
                3. We know that you don't get something for nothing.
                4. The world never gives unless it is looking for
                   something in return.

III. "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
        A. This is sort of the theme of this whole chapter, it began with
           the words, "Let not your hearts be troubled, you believe in God
           believe also in Me."                
                1. Their hearts were troubled because of the things that
                   he had been saying to them about His going away.
                2. They were troubled because they did not know what they
                   do without Him.
                3. They were troubled because they did not understand just
                   what He was saying to them.
                4. They were afraid because they did not know what the
                   future held.
        B. The troubled hearts and fearful minds were to be replaced by
           His peace.
                1. It is significant that in context with His promise of
                   His peace being given to them He tells them not to have
                   a troubled heart or fear.
                2. Fear and peace are mutually exclusive.
                3. I will give you My peace, don't be afraid.
                4. I will send the Comforter, don't be afraid.
                5. I will come to you, don't be afraid.
                6. I will come again to bring you home with Me, don't be