Book: John
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JOHN 14:1


Intro: The fact that he said, "Let not your heart be troubled" indicates their hearts were

        A. They were living in a hostile world.
                1. Tensions were building.
                2. Those with the power to sway public opinion were opposed to Jesus Christ.
        B. The one they loved and trusted was talking about dying and leaving them.
                1. They thought He was going to establish the golden age, and they would
                   receive authority.
                2. They could not bear the thought of His death.
                        a. What would they do without Him?
        C. Peter had just been told that he was going to fail in the crisis hour.
                1. That sense of failure can create a troubled heart.
        D. Their future at this point very uncertain.
        E. Any one of these conditions can trouble you, combined they can destroy you.

        A. "Believe in Me."
                1. Trust fully in Me.
                2. I know you don't understand, so trust.
                3. Things are not what they seem.
                        a. It seems that things are out of hand. Don't worry, "I'm in
                        b. It seems all is lost, don't fret, I'm providing a way of salvation
                           for all.
                        c. It seems the powers of darkness have prevailed, but Mine is the
                           ultimate victory.
        B. Looking beyond the current stress.
                1. Jesus directed their attention to the future, His Father's house.
                        a. "The present sufferings not worthy..."
                        b. "The light affliction which is for a moment worketh an exceeding."
                2. We spend too much of our time looking back, and looking around, we need to 
                   look ahead.
                3. We look down, we look out when we need to be looking up.
        C. The coming of the Holy Spirit. (Paracleatus)
                1. You are not going to be alone, the Holy Spirit will:
                        a. Help you.
                        b. Guide you into all truth.
                        c. Teach you.

        A. A lack of trust in Jesus Christ.
                1. If I really believed that He was in control of the circumstances that
                   surround me.
                        a. Every so often I endeavor to carry the burden of this church.
                        b. As I start to sink, I cry out, "Oh Lord, what are we going to do?"
                                1. That's not your problem, is it?
        B. The wrong perspective of life.
                1. Too much into self, not enough into Him.
                2. Too much into time, not enough into eternity.
        C. Not accepting that full help of the Holy Spirit.