Book: John
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JOHN 13:36 - 14:3
Intro: The Christian path is not always smooth. There are things that disturb and trouble us.
We all have experienced times in our walk when our hearts were troubled.
A. Lack of understanding.
1. Jesus was saying strange things.
a. Talking of going away where they cannot follow now.
1. Up till now they had passed off His talk of dying.
2. Now the realization is starting to sink in.
2. As long as I understand what God is doing I can manage fine.
a. My heart gets troubled when I can't see.
B. Human failure causes a troubled heart.
1. When am I most apt to experience a troubled heart?
a. When I have failed, blown it again.
1. Satan turns his broadside attack on me.
2. I didn't want to fail.
3. I thought I could stand.
2. Here Jesus is telling Peter something about himself, he can't believe is
a. Why can't I follow thee now, I will die for you.
b. By the time, the cock crows, you will deny me thrice, Let not your
heart be troubled.
1. Don't let satan hassle you for it.
2. As Jesus remember their love not failure.
C. The man outside of Christ has a troubled heart.
1. Described as raging waves of a stormy sea.
2. Conflicts and turmoils.
3. No rest for the wicked.
A. Trust in the wisdom of God.
1. When you don't understand what He is doing, know "all things work together
for good..."
a. The flesh cries out, what good can come from this?
B. Believe in His power.
1. "Oh, they are hopeless."
2. "Oh, I am hopless."
a. My flesh is so weak there is no way.
b. Praise the Lord your on the border of a great discovery.
3. You can be thankful I'm not God, I wrote some off as hopeless, yet God
redeemed them.
C. Trust in the key to a peaceful heart.
1. God is bigger than my mountain.
2. God is able to master this weakness.
a. Abide in Him & let His word abide in you.
A. Where are you going?
1. "Where I am going you can t come now, but you will come later."
2. Notice Peter interrupts Christ before He can finish His answer.
a. "Why can't I come now I will lay down my life for thee.
b. Peter your going to stumble, don't be troubled, believe God,
believe Me."
3. In My Father's House many abiding places. I go to prepare a place for you,
and I will come back and receive you unto myself.
B. Oh troubled heart take courage and hope.
1. He is coming back for you.
a. In spite of your failures He loves you.
b. Trust Him more even that area of weakness trust to Him.