Book: John
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John 12:34
I. "The people answered Him, We have heard out of the law that
Messias abideth forever. Who is this Son of man?"
A. In IISam. 7:13 God promised to David concerning his
seed, that He would build a house for His name and that
He would establish the throne of His kingdom forever.
B. In Psalm 110:4 "The Lord hath sworn and shall not repent
Thou art a priest forever after the order of
C. In Isa. 9:7 The promise of the Messiah was that of the
increase of His government and peace there should be no
D. "Who is this Son of man?"
1.Jesus had taken the title of "Son of Man."
a. You remember that He said, "The foxes have
their holes, the birds of the air have their
nests, but the Son of man has no where to lay
His head."
b. In Matthew 16: He asked the disciples, "Whom
do men say that I the Son of man am?" He also
spoke of the Son of man coming in the glory of
the Father.
c. In Matthew 18: He said that the Son of man had
come to seek and save those who were lost.
2. Son of man was a Messianic title.
a. In Daniel 7:13,14 "I saw in the night visions,
and behold, one like the Son of man came with
the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient
of days and they brought Him near before Him.
And there was given Him dominion, and glory and
a Kingdom that all people, nations and
languages should serve Him: His dominion is an
everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away
and His kingdom that which shall not be
b. This is probably the verse that they were
alluding to.
3. Jesus has been talking about being cast out and
crucified, hence the question of "Who is this Son of
4. There is obviously some kind of discrepancy here.
E. This has been a problem for the Jews through the ages.
Paul said that the preaching of Christ crucified was
to the Jews a stumbling block.
1. The prophesies concerning the Messiah seem to be
contradictory, for on the one hand you have the
predictions that His throne would be eternal, and
on the other hand you have the predictions that He
would be despised and rejected by men, a man of
sorrows and acquainted with grief.
2. You have the predictions that He would be
numbered with the transgressors in His death, and
that He would make His grave with the rich.
3. In Psalm 22 His death by crucifixion was predicted.
4. In Isaiah 9:7 We are told that of the increase of
His government and peace there would be no end.
5. Hence the problem the Jews had with His statement
that the Son of Man must be lifted up.
F. We know that the problem is solved by the understanding
of the two comings of the Messiah.
1. He came the first time to give His life as a
ransom for sinners.
2. He is coming again to reign forever as King of
II. "Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with
you, Walk while you have the light lest the darkness come
upon you."
A. Notice that He did not answer there question. He just
told them that the light was only to be with them for a
a little while, and to walk while they had the light.
1. Jesus had said that He was the light of the world.
To walk in fellowship with Him is to walk in the
2. To walk in the light is to walk in purity.
3. It is to walk in righteousness, in obedience to the
revealed will of God.
4. To walk in darkness is to walk in sin which is
disobedience to the revealed will of God.
5. If we say that we have fellowship with God and we
are walking in darkness, we lie, and we have not the
6. If we walk in the light as He is in the light then
we have fellowship with God and the blood of Jesus
Christ is cleansing us from all sin.
B. Those who walk in darkness do not know where they are
1. They are really going nowhere. There life on earth
is a waste. They are doing absolutely nothing of
eternal worth. "We have only one life, it will soon
be past, and only what's done for Christ will last."
2. They don't realize that they are on the road to
hell. They are blindly and blythly walking down
the path to destruction.
C. Jesus is basically warning that you need to take
advantage of the opportunities that God has given to you
now to know the light and to walk in the light.
1. Darkness will overshadow those who do not walk in
the light.
2. Now God is giving you opportunities that may not
always be there.
III. "While you have the light, believe in the light, that you
might be the children of the light."
A. Jesus is saying in essence, "Believe in Me." For He has
declared that He is the light of the World.
B. By believing in Him we become children of the light.
C. In Paul's 1st letter to the Thessolonians he reminded
them that the coming of Jesus would be like a thief in
the night, but he said, "You are not in darkness that
that that day should overtake you as a thief, but
you are children of the light. He then described the
characteristics of those who were in darkness.
1. They were asleep, as to the hour and times in which
they were living.
2. They were drunk.
3. As children of the light we should be sober.
4. We are to put on the breastplate of faith and
5. Put on the helmet of salvation. For God has not
appointed us unto wrath, but to obtain salvation
through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Those who walk in
darkness are appointed unto wrath.
6. You might ask yourself, "Am I walking in the light
or in darkness?"
a. Do I walk in true fellowship with Jesus
b. "If a man say that he is in the light yet he
is walking in darkness, he lies and knows
not the truth."