Book: John
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John 7:12 One or the Other
Intro. Jesus came to unite men to God, but He has brought division to man.
I. The division that Jesus brings to men. Verse 43, "So there was a
division among the people because of Him."
A. Some said, "He is a good man."
B. Others said, "No, He deceiveth the people."
C. He has to be one or the other, He cannot be both.
II. Those who were saying that He deceived the people, were basing their
judgment on false information.
A. Verse 41, 42. They thought He has come out of Galilee. They
knew the scriptures that the Messiah would be of the seed of
David and be born in Bethlehem.
1. They may have known that He was of the seed of David,
but they did not know that He was born in Bethlehem.
2. They must have just assumed that He was born in
Nazareth because He grew up there. But it was a false
3. Can you imagine the tragedy, of making a judgment
concerning Jesus that was to determine their eternal
destiny, on false information.
4. They thought they knew the facts, but they didn't.
Vs. 27 "We know this man, whence He is."
5. It is so tragic to see people who think they know all
the facts, making their judgments on false information.
B. Should they not be excused for their mistake?
1. They had every opportunity to search out the truth but
they did not avail themselves that opportunity.
2. Can you imagine people making up their minds on
something so important that their eternal destiny is
being determined by their decision, without thoroughly
investigating the facts?
3. That raises a question, "Have you thoroughly studied
all the facts concerning Jesus?"
4. I must always question the good judgment of a man who
salts his food before he tastes it.
a. How do you know it needs salt?
b. Maybe the cook has already over salted the
c. If a person has taken a bite of food and then
asks that I pass the salt, I can accept that.
d. It is the same as the child that says, "I
don't like that." without even trying a bite.
C. In verse 24 Jesus said, "Do not judge according to appearance,
but judge righteous judgment."
1. It is not righteous judgment to judge a man without
hearing him out.
2. Nicodemus brought up this legal point at the meeting
of the religious leaders who were condemning Jesus.
vs. 51
D. These who said that He was deceiving the people were guilty of
bias. They hated Jesus and thus their judgment could not be
relied upon.
1. In verse 7 Jesus said they hated Him because He
testified of them that their works were evil.
2. How can you be true in your judgment of a person if
you hate him?
3. Many people today hate Jesus. If they were pressed to
explain their hatred they would find great difficulty
in doing so.
4. They may not even realize why they hate Him.
5. Jesus gave the reason, because He testified against
their evil works.
6. Jesus said that everyone that doeth evil hateth the
III. Those who were saying that He was a good man had great cause to do
A. The words that He spoke touched their hearts.
1. His words were simply profound. That was the beauty of
a. They were so simple that a child could
understand Him.
b. Yet so profound that the scholars were baffled
by them.
2. John tells us that they were amazed at His teaching,
wondering how He knew all these things without the
formal college education. vs 15
3. When the officers who were sent to arrest Him came back
empty handed, they were asked, "Why have you not
brought Him?" to which they replied, "Never has a man
spoken like this man."
B. His works were marvelous. Vs. 21, "I did one work and you all
marvel." This is a reference to the healing of the lame
man at the pool of Bethesda.
1. They were questioning "When the Messiah comes will He
do more miracles than He?" vs.31
2. Many were convinced that He had come from God because
of many miracles.
a. Nicodemus said to Him, "We know that you have
come from God for no man can do the works that
you do unless God is with Him."
b. Jesus said that His works testified of Him.
c. To Philip He said, believe that I am in the
Father and the Father is in Me, or else believe
for the very works sake.
C. Many believed on Him because of His words, and many believed
because of His miracles.
1. John 8:30 "As He spake these words, many believed on
2. JOH 2:23 Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover,
in the feast [day], many believed in his name, when
they saw the miracles which he did.
3. His words and works that caused men to believe also
caused others to seek to kill Him.
a. In the next chapter we will find them so angry
at what He was saying that they took up stones
to stone Him.
b. In verse 19 He spoke of them going about to
kill Him, and in verse 23 He explains why they
wanted to kill Him, "You are angry with Me
because I made a man completely whole on the
Sabbath day."
D. Today we still have His words, and He is still working miracles
in the lives of people. His words and works still cause a
division among men.
1. Some hate His words, while others live by His word.
2. Some are touched and amazed by His works, and others
try to explain away His works with lame arguments.
IV. In the divided crowd, where do you stand? Do you think that He is the
Son of God, or do you think that He deceived the people?
A. You ask, "What difference does it make?"
1. All the difference in the world.
2. It is the difference between light and darkness, life
and death.
3. What you believe concerning Him will determine your
eternal destiny. "He that believeth on the Son of God
has everlasting life, he that believeth not the Son of
God shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on
B. If you believe that He was a good man, and all that He said He
was and you do not surrender your life to Him as your Lord,
you are in worse shape than those who said, "He deceiveth the
people." Theirs could be a sin of ignorance, yours is a
deliberate rejection of the light.